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  1. Autumn Dumis

    This. Is. SPARTA!!!

  2. Autumn Dumis

    Here I come with open arms :D

    This is all I could think of when I read your thread title xD Welcome!
  3. Autumn Dumis


  4. Autumn Dumis

    Hopefully this Should Catch Somebody's Eye

    Why would you want to catch someone's eye. Eye stealing us just rude!
  5. Autumn Dumis

    Hey hey hey!

    (} :) )
  6. Autumn Dumis

    Hi? I guess thats the right way to start off my first post.

    Welcome! I am also new :3
  7. Autumn Dumis


    My name is Autumn and I have just joined. I am hoping to find more rpers for a sl I have started. However, more about that later! I currently live in Texas. Have 3 dogs. I've been rping since I was 14 and got my start in aol chats. So I've been actively writing for oh.. 18 years or so. My...
  8. Autumn Dumis


  9. Autumn Dumis

    Hey hey hey!

    Hi! I am new myself. So welcome :3