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  1. Durandal

    Other Rules of the Zombie Apocalypse

    Spermicides and 'aphrodisiacs' and flavorings notwithstanding... a condom is like a balloon. A penis-shaped balloon. Do you really want to be carrying around drinking water in a balloon? It'd pop easily, not hold much, and opening it carefully to drink it would be a hassle... If you want to be...
  2. Durandal

    Other Rules of the Zombie Apocalypse

    Whoa, those are some dangerous suggestions! In a zombie apocalypse you are going to need protein to build/repair muscle from all of the exertion that will be necessary, as well as healing from any wounds. And it is immensely difficult to get enough protein from a vegan diet based only on what...
  3. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    Well, we'd have to define our terms. 'Evolution' can mean anything as small as adaptation through natural selection, all the way up to abiogenesis and all of the resorting biodiversity diverging from the first life form, depending on the person using it. A lot of settings with intelligent...
  4. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    I thought it funny. We're creating fantasy races, survival of the fittest, the strongest race survives. Whittle out the inferior races, race war now! I got your humor and I enjoyed it! (> :D )
  5. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    I don't know! I think so, though. I have the third ed. pdf but haven't got around to reading it much yet. I looove the Exalted setting but the rules are just atrocious. (BP) If I was to run an Exalted game I would use a home-brewed custom rule set. (^U^)
  6. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    Right, I quoted you but I wasn't specifically replying to just you, more just that sentiment expressed in general. As I said earlier, I wholeheartedly agree with your outlook on the matter. By the way, for anyone looking for an interesting portrayal of elves, I recommend taking a look at the...
  7. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    Also I want to say that... I really feel like those of you against elves are doing so out of a bit of a flawed understanding. In most settings, elves aren't actually better than the rest in every way. They may seem like it at first and most importantly they may be played like it by unskilled...
  8. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    Yeah but you're still creating them! Creationists 1, Evolutionists 0! Check mate Evolutionists (B') (> :D ) (Also someone just discovered the smilies here (>BD))
  9. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    Fantasy settings rarely include evolution. The races are almost always created by some sort of god, gods, titan, titans, or other higher power- in this case, us.
  10. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    I have been called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the world goes dim and cold. Escape will make me God.
  11. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    Hear, hear! That's a fantastic attitude. :3
  12. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    That doesn't disprove what I said nor does it address the point that I raised.
  13. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    That's not true of every setting. It sounds more like you have a problem with the way some settings have portrayed elves, than with the concept of an elf race itself. Which is a bit silly considering that this is a world-building activity wherein you could take it upon yourself to create a race...
  14. Durandal

    Legitimate Introduction Thread!

    Thank ya! :3
  15. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    Okay now I can. PM incoming. EDIT: Apparently I have to wait 30 minutes for the permissions to update. -_-
  16. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    I can't yet PM... because of this site's weird rules.
  17. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    Thanks for the reply! I would be interested in playing one if they appear generally-human-but-larger, rather than something along the lines of Skyrim's rendition of giants as more... brutish. Almost animalistic.
  18. Durandal

    Fantasy The Underworld Breathes: A Monster Fantasy

    Ooh, it's refreshing to see someone writing a fantasy RP post in an appropriate tone. Too often have I seen use of painfully modern colloquialisms in something ostensibly medieval in atmosphere. That was a great intro! Hmm, I'm interested in possibly playing a giant! What are giants like in...
  19. Durandal

    Other How tall are you?

    That is pretty tall for a female! That puts you in the 90th percentile according to the CDC: Granted that's 16 years ago but I don't think average height changes as fast as the value of the US dollar, for instance!
  20. Durandal

    Other Rules of the Zombie Apocalypse

    Here's my zombie plan: Live out in the country, on 23.5 acres of land, with chickens and vegetables and fruit trees (and soon to be sheep as well). Have plenty of guns and ammo and swords and machetes. The zombie density will be so low and easy to deal with, I'm more worried about raiders and...