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  1. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    Giz looks over your selection of troops and nods in agreement. "Those look like a solid team. I'll have them reassigned to you and see what I can do about the other arrangements. If we can't test the swoop on ship, there's always the surface of Ryloth?" During your time on ship, holovids...
  2. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    Over the next week, you get the swoop in good working order. Zal found some spare parts laying around that can be swapped in to give the swoop some better performance if you can wire them in right. (Make a mechanics check.) Zal spends a lot of time checking in on Jowpirr who isn't very...
  3. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    Keeli looks to Gum as Giz salutes and breaks away to discuss arrangements for refitting the Rigger with the dock master. "I'm afraid no Chi made it off the planet, a Republic Cruiser stayed behind to assess the system and attempt any recovery efforts. General Windu and the rest of the fleet...
  4. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    Zal accompanies Jowpirr as he is taken away by the droid and troopers on the grav bed towards the med bay. He nods to you as he departs. Giz waits with you as a helmetless trooper approaches. "Welcome aboard Commodore Mombasa, Corporal Oral." He salutes to you both. "I'm Captain Keeli...
  5. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    "Me too Gum, me too" Zal looks over at J again. "I don't think J's in any fit state to complain really." Zal pats you on the shoulder, picks up his tool belt and flies through to the cockpit to check how Giz is doing. Screen swipes away to stars...
  6. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    "You're a good kid Gum, I just wish things were simpler. I'm no soldier, I just want peace and my tools and something to fix." Zal looks around and begins to collect himself, packing things for Jowpirr as well ready to disembark. "Can you promise me, that once this is all over we can get...
  7. DaveTheGamesMaster

    Fantasy Welcome to the Aegean (Private)

    "Zeus bless you Samsos!" says Arcas as he sidles up to the cart accentuating his weary aged appearance and sits himself on the cart. "I do so tire of walking. This will be help enough for me. What of thee Marcius? Ah, the lady, what was your name? Come sit with me. Oh, how very rude of me. I am...
  8. DaveTheGamesMaster

    Anima 1872 (Private)

    Kan finds his way to the latrine and relieves himself. Once done, he makes sure his attire is in its proper place again before leaving. As he leaves the building and goes in search of his companions Kan takes in the surroundings to get more accustomed to the area as he imagined he would be...
  9. DaveTheGamesMaster

    One x One D6 Star Wars Private Game

    Here's the military mission generator<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/military-mission-generator_pdf.45778e72b7a76ab67b5fc3926ca63f57" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110722"...
  10. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    Giz sits down in the pilot chair and checks the instruments and displays over to make the final checks before bringing the ship out of hyperspace. Zal is watching J who is resting and heavily bandaged on the bed in the small med bay. As you sit with Zal by J's bedside he looks up at you both...
  11. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    Giz is caught slightly off guard but collects his thoughts after the momentary lapse of silence. "Well my last name Mombasa is a cover yes, and my actual full first name is Guzzregiz. The latter part being my go to alias. I don't particularly want to divulge my family name, but Giz is generally...
  12. DaveTheGamesMaster

    One x One lost Mine Of Phandelver

    @DaveTheGamesMaster, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  13. DaveTheGamesMaster

    One x One lost Mine Of Phandelver

    @DaveTheGamesMaster, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  14. DaveTheGamesMaster

    lost Mine Of Phandelver

    More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver's Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters...
  15. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    "That's fair enough, we can deal with that when the time comes. I'll look into a swoop team for us to get set up." Giz opens his storage compartment and reveals several varieties of blasters. "There's a KYD-21 blaster pistol, silenced. BlasTech DH-17 with scope to assist targeting and has a...
  16. DaveTheGamesMaster

    Anima 1872 (Private)

    Kan nods then rises from the table. He bows to the barkeep, then to Lidfard and Warren. "Thank you for the food, please excuse me, I will meet you outside." Kan makes his way to the facilities.
  17. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    "That could work. We'd either need to highjack a relay or set-up our own for that. Highjacking would mean compromising the benefits we would get from taking out the relays and their response time would be faster." Giz looks back to the doorway before continuing. "I agree keeping the other two...
  18. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D6 Star Wars Private Game

    "Well we should do something about that, we can undermine his operations, collate evidence and confront him then take him into custody." Giz gestures before folding his arms again and leaning against the doorway again. Upon speaking again, Giz walks over and sits in the copilot chair. "The...
  19. DaveTheGamesMaster

    D&D 5e: Diablo 3 Setting

    I'm up for this, played D2 too many times to number and done one playthrough of D3 including RoS so knowledge could be better on that side.
  20. DaveTheGamesMaster


    I've played 3.5 and 4e and just got starter box for 5e. Been getting into pbp as don't have the time to meet a group or virtual tabletop so it made the most sense and would really like to learn 5e so if there's space I'd like to jump in.