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  • Users: Epic
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Epic

    Fandom FTL: Faster Than Light - Gallery/Maps

    Gallery/Maps for FTL: Faster Than Light Interior of The Kestrel Cruiser: System Map:
  2. Epic

    Fandom FTL: Faster Than Light

    Playable Races: Keep in mind, some races from the game are excluded. Such as Lanius due to the fact that they drain Oxygen from any room they are in, making it difficult for interaction with others. Humans - One of the most common races in the galaxy, comprising most of the galactic...
  3. Epic

    Fandom FTL: Faster Than Light

    Use this page for anything you want to talk about Out-Of-Character.
  4. Epic

    Fandom FTL: Faster Than Light (Always Open)

    Please use this to create your character: Name: Age: Gender: Height: Race: (Overview lists all available races) Role: (Pilot/Repair/Shields/Weapons/etc.) Personality: Appearance: Bio: Be aware you can still sign-up while the RP has begun, though you will not be a member of...
  5. Epic

    Fandom FTL: Faster Than Light

    @Fezzes @Deltorian Nephran @AlphaDraco @UdonIrvine47 Sounds of engines firing up echo across the docking bay, your ship the "Kestrel Cruiser" is preparing to leave from the Federation HQ of Sector Xe-29, your mission is simple "Deliver Intel to The Federation of Alpha-23 that could lead to...
  6. Epic

    Fandom FTL: Faster Than Light

    Even though FTL isn't exactly much of a story-driven game and moreso a roguelike, it has enough information that I think an interesting RP could be made out of it using the races that they have, the general story of "escape the rebellion, deliver the information". Anyway, on to the general idea...
  7. Epic


    Hey, I made an introduction thread a couple months back but I wanted to make another since I sort of just made that post and never posted again until recently. Some things, I understand my name is "Epic" and everyone tends to know me as that at this point so It's hard to really change it, I just...
  8. Epic


    Hi, I'm a bit new to forums-based RP, though I wanted to get into it some more. I'm used to roleplaying through tabletop or in games and I've only really done forums-based RP once or twice, though I enjoyed it so hopefully I'll enjoy it here.