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  1. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    That's fine :) I've been busy over xmas anyway haha
  2. Ducktard

    MAMA awards tomorrow can't fukin wait

    MAMA awards tomorrow can't fukin wait
  3. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Aww! That's fine don't worry, I'll be here when you're done :)
  4. Ducktard

    my babes won a price most valuable male star indeed lol sounds like something I made up

    my babes won a price most valuable male star indeed lol sounds like something I made up
  5. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    I'm sorry that took me ages, I've just been really swamped with school, I should have said something but it completely slipped my mind I feel so bad >__<
  6. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Raum watched from his spot in the crowd, motionless. The uneasiness of the crowd seemed to grow at the same pace as his own, as the energy in the room turned from peaceful to chaos. The chatter of the crowd grew louder and louder, meanwhile Raum was attempting to see what was happening on stage...
  7. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    It's okay, just take your time :)
  8. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Returning to his seat amongst the chattering humans, Raum settled in ready to enjoy another stretch of time filled with music. He didn't like the fact that there wasn't that much time left, and he would soon have to return to his empty, tedious home. Of course, he could attempt to stay in town...
  9. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Sorry I haven't replied yet, I've just received some bad news today and I'm feeling pretty sad, I'll probably make a reply tomorrow but I just wanted to let you know in case I'm unable to reply tomorrow as well
  10. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    "I believe I know what you mean," Raum replied, thinking that he himself had never met a fellow demon who apprechiated music the way he did. Most of them saw it as something foolish humans did, something beneath them. Raum felt the opposite way, for him, music was something above them. And...
  11. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Well it's good to be a bit concious of it I think, but when it comes to small inacuraccies here and there I don't feel it matters too much. I'm in turn very bad at history in general, especially the parts involving dates, because numbers just always float out of my head xD
  12. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Oh that's fine, I probably wouldn't have noticed unless you said anything ^^'
  13. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Raum sensed no discomfort in the human, and kept his serene content face. Gone was all thoughts of his woes and focused was all his attention on this conversation. It was quite pleasant actually, and he often wished he had friends to communicate with. But as he'd concidered before, the humans...
  14. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    That's all right! I'll reply tomorrow, it's a bit late right now and I've been gone all day~
  15. Ducktard

    Otokajji, I'm Yeheting all over the Ohorat and it's really Kkaebsong

    Otokajji, I'm Yeheting all over the Ohorat and it's really Kkaebsong
  16. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Okei dokie! Good luck on your tests and speak to you then! :)
  17. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Raum took the hand offered, his own hand was dressed in black, rather thick gloves, as it always was when he was among humans, to hide his black, and more importantly, slightly clawed nails. There was no reason to be inpractical just because he could hide them with his powers after all...
  18. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    As some other humans exited the Hall during the interlude as well, Raum quickly withdrew to the outside of the hall. Solitude was something he couldn't really stand,but if there was something worse, it was solitude in the company of others. Even though their interests and interactions sometimes...
  19. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Oh I dont mind extra characters, they are needed sometimes. I doubt I'll have any this time around since Raum is very alone most f the time, but in another setting I'd proobably have some too. And don't worry about going long, I enjoy long responses, yours was probably a little longer than...
  20. Ducktard

    Demon x Human

    Okie-dokie, I'll make an attempt at a starting post then^^Right so I hope all of that mde sense, I'm like super tired cause suddenly the time was 03:30 am over here, oops. I'm gonna go to bed now heh