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  1. The Awakened Moon

    Bepherly Simms

    Bepherly “Beph” Simms   Female 21 Bepherly has a unique personality and style. Initially, she is shy towards others that she just meets, but she is quick to befriend them and get comfortable. Bepherly has a great sense of humor. She’s never completely serious unless she had to be...
  2. The Awakened Moon

    Moonie's Art Thingies

    Here are some of my drawings/paintings that I've done. I've been drawing for several years now, but I only started painting with watercolors this past summer. I'll try to add some more maybe in the future Hopefully they don't hurt your eyes. Sorry if they do Enjoy! 
  3. The Awakened Moon

    Danielle Taylor

    Danielle Alaina Taylor   Nickname: Most people call her Dani, but her close friends even call her Alaina. Dubbed “Social Butterfly” by some friends   Date of Birth: September 1st   Age: Twenty-two   Gender: Female   Sexuality...
  4. The Awakened Moon

    Quinn O'Brien

    Quinn O'Brien Age: 18 Sexuality: Heterosexual Godly Parent: Apollo...claimed Personality: Quinn is nothing like her father. Okay, well, that’s not completely true. She can be just as arrogant and overconfident as her father but, that’s when she’s dealing with archery or any of her...
  5. The Awakened Moon

    Some of my art

    <p> These are just some of my art that I have published online. I've published my art on deviantart and on a blog but I don't update there as much as I actually draw. Tell me what you guys think? Maybe I'll upload some traditional art later. </p> <div class="ipsSpoiler" data-ipsspoiler="">...