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  • Users: Andi
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  1. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I nodded at abigail as we both started to walk down the dirt path. Darkness was starting to set. Last thing we needed was a hungry vampire terrorizing the town, though from the death i smelled as we walked, i could tell some other creatures were at large in town. I was like a tracking dog for...
  2. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I glanced down at her hand gripped at her arm. I knew i could find her in a heart beat. But... i believe in a little fun right? I sniffed the air. "Over there.." i said casually a small smirk on my face as i eyed her. So determinded... so worried. She needed to relax.
  3. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    Seeing her all flustrated like that kind of took me back. I smirked eyeing her a bit as i leaned against the stone wall of the alley propping one leg up and folding my arm. I shrugged. "Around im sure. Worried?" I asked raising a brow. She was frantic to change the subject. Kind of cute.
  4. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I knew she had taken off. I knew i should stop her... but eh. Let her be. After all i have her scent, i can track her now. "You shouldnt worry so much ms. Abigail. I mean we were all young once, roaming the streets alone..." i sighed dramatically locking eyes. "Buying potions to lure others," i...
  5. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I glanced at my invisible watch and nodded my head. "Right! Let us go! After all me and you have a lot to go over... before we head back into the forest," i said glancing at abigail. I knew i wasnt allowed to let subjects go outside the manor walls, lets see how she takes this one.
  6. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (Open)

    Wow..... :P 9502
  7. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I glanced down at her bag and back up at her. "Nothing. Your secret is save with me." I said playfully just as the vampire walked over looking miserable. "Its like being a lactose intolerant kid in an ice cream shop eh?" I said playfully as i patted her on the head. I knew couldnt smell. Sucks.
  8. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I shrugged as i eyed her walking over. "I mean... ive never been here, and it seems to have some interesting stuff, as i can see you agree," i teased but playfully as i glanced over at the vamp girl. "She isnt going to drink my sustainable blood for her, shes going to need to feed soon," i said...
  9. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I couldnt help but glance over when i sensed her frustration and... apparent embarssment. I didnt say anything, but i could smell what she was buying was a mixture for a rather errotic mixture. Interesting. Abigail wanting love? Or to be looked at like that? I didnt expect that... thats for...
  10. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I glanced around seeing different shapes and sizes of bottles. Different colors as well. It kind of reminded me of my laboratory, just cleaned up and smelled... strong. I pulled down my black frames glasses from my messy silver hair eyeing the bottles. I picked one up curiously. "This one...
  11. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I glanced over my nose hitting the different smells right away. It was very strong making my eyes water a bit. "Appears so... and i believe shes in there," i said leading the way into the shop. The bell rang loudly as we entered and i glanced around to see her holding a potion. "Looks like im a...
  12. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I walked along the street next to her and paused taking a deep sniff. I could faintly make out her scent. I couldnt help but know her scent well... it kind of brought about other feelings. "This way," i said lightly leading the way. It was hard to make out exactly where she was, a lot of other...
  13. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I chuckled standing up and nodding. "Youre right, lets head out," i said and glanced at my wrist. No watch, as usual. "Its time anyways we go find ms. Abigail, if i don't go over my review and findings with her... it messes with my day,' i said as we headed out. We walked down halls each door...
  14. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I placed the bottle in my white jacket pocket and shrugged a bit. I knew well enough abigail would make her do whatever the mayor wanted, even if by force. "You know... i never caught your name, or do you prefer my nickname for you," i said playfully trying to keep i light. I mean, these are...
  15. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I chuckled at her attempt on bathing. Guess killed two birds with one stone. No laundry. Heh. I smirked as i smiled happily. "Its a sustainable source for you for feeding, in this city if you are caught feeding you will be killed," i said casually as i took a seat in the near by wood chair. I...
  16. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (Open)

    I agree. I love tension! Haha
  17. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I did as abigail said leading the young vamp to the bathing corridors. As she did that i headed to my lap. My safe place. I walked in the place a bit of a mess. Bottles and plants scattered everywhere. Vampire. A very curious case. I went straight to work. Mix, mix, swirl and mix. An hour or so...
  18. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (Open)

    Lol! I guess you can do whatever way you want. :P I know my character sounds gay but he isnt, hes just kind of dense.
  19. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I will admit i couldnt help but notice as she walked away that she was infact a rather sexual woman, being a werewolf i couldnt help but stare. I blinked at abigail's words. "Ah yes. Lets be off," i said cheeky like as we walked down a dark street. We neared a large iron gate covered in vines...
  20. Andi

    Fantasy Umbre Vineam (ignore post count, always looking for ppl!)

    I wasn't one to notice much from a lady, or even notice if one was quote 'flirting' with me. So it didn't phase me too much. I had a lot going on in my mind, being a scientist and all. "Ah now Ms. Abigail no need to be so harsh, but as she said we are on official business," I said simply feeling...