Search results for query: *

  1. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    Surprise God's challenge! First person to break the universe is an eggplant Last person to take a selfie is a pumpkin Scutum (shield) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Legionary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Selfie stick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    ? i?a T in?? R ? ?? Your chances at success in any undertaking will always be limited by the strength of your confidence "Woot~ It survived da-Steve punch", she squealed. Watching Steve failing to break the glass the first time was a treat to her. Then he threw...
  3. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    Mina provided you with boots of invisibility. Put on the boots and the floating Rochester lenses will shield your body from a certain viewing angle. - In exchange for distortions in your own line of sight. - As she said, it's a cylindrical cloak so beware of overhead observers. - Also, it...
  4. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    ? i?a T in?? R ? ?? Your chances at success in any undertaking will always be limited by the strength of your confidence "A cloaking device? What am I to you? A dorayaki-loving robot cat from the future? You didn't even listen to what I've just said, did you?" Mina...
  5. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    Did he just...cast the dice before Caesar ever did? That and pila sounds like a kind of fish, imagine the Roman footmen throwing fishes at us
  6. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    Fixed things up a bit. Fixed the format to display as intended. Added a bit more content and made it easier to reply. Provided a bunch of world building info to use. Just for the record, here's the list of references used in making that one damn RP post: Crossing the Rubicon - Wikipedia, the...
  7. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    ? i?a T in?? R ? ?? Your chances at success in any undertaking will always be limited by the strength of your confidence Before her eyes lay the river Rubicon, a vast overflowing river in its younger days, and also the border between Cisalpine Gaul province and Italy...
  8. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time™ "Travelling" Agency Limited offer: The first 49 tourists get a 10% discount on membership card registration. Only $90,000 today! New Tour: Two days, one night in 49 BC Rubicon Live a day as Roman legionnaire, meet Caesar in the flesh and join the...
  9. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    Ein, Etherpad sucks, I can't connect to it. Let's get back to Adventureverse's pad. You know where it is.
  10. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    So, as we discussed, the first few episodes we'll be surveying historical scenarios for tour ideas. Ein sounds like he's having a bunch of ideas in mind, nothing of interest crosses my mind at the moment unless you two wanted to go back in time and stop Qin Shi Huangdi from taking the mercury pill.
  11. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    Name: Mina Tinker Age: 23 + As old as pottery craft Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight. Specialty: Reverse-engineering, Precision analysis, Machinery construction, Mastery of technologies. Bio: She is the Goddess of Craftsmanship in the latest...
  12. Fujihita

    Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency

    Steve, get an avi already. I told you not to leave your face empty.
  13. Fujihita

    Naming Things

    Someone wrote a guide on how to name your character Personally, I would use if I could relate my setting to an existing culture. In other cases, the way you create cultural diversity by varying the way...
  14. Fujihita

    Maximilian~ My RP partner ran away...again :T

    Maximilian~ My RP partner ran away...again :T
  15. Fujihita

    News New BBCode - Icons

    The new entry for font libary in BBCode Guide starts off with "Purpose: The accordion bbcode is designed to give users access to the font awesome icon library". Additionally, it might be helpful to have a list of the new codes in the BBcode guide. Especially for people like me who are not...
  16. Fujihita

    The Scoop

    Julian He supposed it was most fortunate she hadn't started talking about the usual safety first and too-dangerous stuffs in his latest article, which was a mere coverage of a negotiation took place deep in green zone, in what he could only describe as 'a modern day fortress'. Otherwise, he...
  17. Fujihita

    One x One The Scoop

    The amount of content I can use still hasn't changed although I see you did try to increase the length. Oh well, I'll see what I can do... In the meanwhile, there's a nice tutorial in the workshop by the name "Blocking the block", I think you'll find it useful to read through at least the...
  18. Fujihita

    Gdi Steve. Set your avatar to a cat or something.

    Gdi Steve. Set your avatar to a cat or something.
  19. Fujihita

    One x One The Scoop

    Oops, I didn't see your post there... I'm sorry, but I don't know how I'm supposed to go on with a reply full of reactions. You didn't give me anything to work on. At the current rate, ending the interaction would be the sensible course of actions but clearly that wouldn't bring us anywhere.
  20. Fujihita

    The Scoop

    Office hours Between dashing from one trench to another and publishing an article on Saturday's column, there were these boring moments when Raymond had to endure the confine space of the press's office building. He was expected to sort his own stuffs out before passing them to his dear editor...