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  1. Mexicanaf

    Mexicanaf and Tenshi

    Those seem pretty cool. I'll have to really think about mines then..
  2. Mexicanaf

    Mexicanaf and Tenshi

    Aha, sorry I got a little ahead of myself there uvu' And that totally works for me. What powers would you want, mind me asking?..
  3. Mexicanaf

    Mexicanaf and Tenshi

    Okay then. And maybe instead of the leather brackets, they're just digital watches that can tell your heart rate. With the dog tags, it just says our nicknames or code names. Maybe the forest is like a huge island that used to be either Jamaica, Puerto Rico, or Guadalupe. And abilities can...
  4. Mexicanaf

    Mexicanaf and Tenshi

    Why thank you, good sir. *curtsies* Now how shall we get into detail with this? Should our characters be criminals? And by winning, the prize is going free but it's a trap since you killed so much people in the process~?
  5. Mexicanaf

    Why isn't there more Magi love

    Why isn't there more Magi love
  6. Mexicanaf

    Mexicanaf and Tenshi

    They're both good in my opinion. But I feel that BR has a more realistic feel than HG since it took place around the late 80's if I remember.
  7. Mexicanaf

    Mexicanaf and Tenshi

    Okay so I have a few plots I made. They're very vague for interpretation and I hope at least one of these are good enough for this rp ;v; I can think of more when I get home Or something. Maybe consider these as like Warmups? ;p ~~~~~~~~~ •The world has been at peace for a millennia. Many...
  8. Mexicanaf

    Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

    Iris giggled with amusement. "Why don't we go try to find the library as a start then? But before we can move on, I gotta get out of these bad boys." She looked down at her roller blades and began taking them off. "So, found anything interesting while on your first adventure here?" She joked...
  9. Mexicanaf

    Mexicanaf and Tenshi

    Sure, what kind of world would you want as a genre wise? Renaissance, Modern, little bit of scifi?
  10. Mexicanaf

    Mexicanaf and Tenshi

    I will gladly volunteer as a Hun lmao
  11. Mexicanaf

    Mexicanaf and Tenshi

    Salutations lmao I seriously thought I would make a thread and I was freaking out about not knowing how to make it. qwq' Shall we get down to buisness to defeat the Huns? ;p
  12. Mexicanaf

    Looking for long-term partners! Always open!

    I just realize-- I have no clue how to do these new threads omg ;-;
  13. Mexicanaf

    Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

    Iris stopped and turned to the girl behind her. She smiled and gave a short bow to be polite. "Salutations, Hecate. Pleasure seeing you here." She then scratched her chin,"Actually kinda, yeah... I have no clue where to go and I wasn't given a schedule of any kinda.." @Light
  14. Mexicanaf

    Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

    Iris glided her blades around the hallways out of boredom. She sure has been behind on meeting the most important people in this huge school. It would be best if she refrain from the familiar drama. Though it would be nice to have someone company alongside her while on duty for her mistress, Hera.
  15. Mexicanaf

    Looking for long-term partners! Always open!

    Maybe thread? ;p
  16. Mexicanaf

    Looking for long-term partners! Always open!

    I kinda like your rules ;p The rp group I'm in is kinda out of order and there's no direction as far I'm aware of. I live for story plots man. I have a list of 30 something but they're all romance though lmao. But I'm totally down to making a new one that's not in the romance aspect. ;p...
  17. Mexicanaf

    It's too damn hot. Where did the rain go.

    It's too damn hot. Where did the rain go.
  18. Mexicanaf

    High School Of The Gods

    I hope I didn't miss a lot ;_;
  19. Mexicanaf

    Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

    Iris Looked at the announcements thoroughly. She scratched her head at the word 'Rival?..' Why should there be rivals when everyone can just be friends? And a date? Who can she ask? She only met Thana not too long ago. Not to mention she hadn't even met her roommate.. This is gonna be a little...
  20. Mexicanaf

    Hello Everyone!

    Lol nice man. Kinda the same how I got on here too. Even though there's a lot of rules, this place seems a bit interesting. c: