Search results for query: *

  1. Archangel

    Galaxía Ateleíotes

    [@dim - slightly miffed] "I'm not yelling. Jeez. Turn your volume down." [clears throat] "Yeah, yes, hi - I got you. I got you... Pity party?" [snickers] "Ok, that's good. Never heard that one before - I mean.. Nice." [pauses, gritting teeth] "..Accurate." [sighs, listening briefly] "Yeah. Hm...
  2. Archangel

    Galaxía Ateleíotes

    [sudden soft static, a painful cough] "Ah, mh -" [indistinct cursing, muttering] "God! You guys just never shut u-" [coughs] "Ok - Ok! I'm good. I'm really good. Yeah.." [sharp breath in and out, talking fast] "Right. Ok. You're not the most cheery of folks to welcome me back to the living...
  3. Archangel

    let's talk

    haha so my computer just died and I lost the whole draft? I hate everything right now ...yeah I am way too emotionally drained right now to write it up again, but i am definitely going to be here later tomorrow with one shiny, shiny new post ✩
  4. Archangel

    let's talk

    hypehypehypehypehype. also if you need a hand or something i'll be lurkin' ;P
  5. Archangel

    let's talk

  6. Archangel

    let's talk

    @ghostling ♡♡♡! Wassup my space nerds! @Destructus Kloud If everything else fails you could try copying your beautiful cs and putting it in the private workshop or something, clearing your thread and putting it back in again? It's worked for ol' BBCode problems before, but you could try it...
  7. Archangel

    80R3-VK7S | Jakanero

    STARSHIP IDENTIFICATION CODE : 80R3-VK7S STARSHIP : Astraeus T-05 | Two-man explorer | "Borrowed" | Equipped - Regular hyperdrive, Plasma Shell shield in Red, UX5 Fusion cannon, long range star-system scanner, double Rane-Gen. engine | The Astraeus in question has seen better days, looking at...
  8. Archangel

    Futuristic [ CLOSED ] alone together | let's explore space!

    Aaah. I am actually so down for this you don't even know Always love me some spaaaace ✩
  9. Archangel

    nothin much for this amigo. you?

    nothin much for this amigo. you?
  10. Archangel

    dear god

    dear god
  11. Archangel

    ! ! !

    ! ! !
  12. Archangel

    Fantasy P A N D O R A - O M I L Í A

    Mate, if you need any more i have some here ..
  13. Archangel

    Fantasy P A N D O R A - C H A R A C T E R S

    w i p {slide=heart-o} name; Jordan Lowe age; 23 gender; Male past life; Endymion gift; >?< orientation; Bisexual {/slide}{slide=?} height; 5'11 weight; 145 lbs build; Long legs, lean muscle hair; Brown eyes; Ocean blue skin; Pale cream {/slide}{slide=?}...
  14. Archangel

    Fantasy P A N D O R A

    Oh wow :v Boy am I up for this! always a slut for Greek mythology amirite ;p
  15. Archangel

    Fantasy Primum Movens: Open!

    Damn I've been away a while, and this is now over? ;-; Not even an IC post to me name @Ranulf01 , it was good working with you on it all, shame that it never came to use :( But yeah, ditto what @ParadoxalPaladin said, and see you guys around sometime :P
  16. Archangel

    Futuristic Pʀᴏғᴇssɪᴏɴᴀʟ Gʀɪᴇғᴇʀs

    Ayyy bring it on. I'll be around. Watching.
  17. Archangel

    Fantasy Project Salem

    So. Totally didn't forget this had already started. Totally. Anywhere particular to slide in, or just do whatever..?
  18. Archangel

    Fantasy Tremor

    . . C A S I M I R || M A R A I S . .{slide=F A L L I N G} Name Casimir Marais Nicknames Cas | Casi Alias Feather-boy || Due to both his great hair, swift fingers and the simple fact that he is a total lightweight. Age 23 Gender Male Sexual Orientation Homosexual...
  19. Archangel

    Fantasy Tremor

    Nah, it's all cool :) Checking out the BBCode and making sure I don't lose the whole thing and all that..
  20. Archangel

    Fantasy Tremor

    Sorry about the delay, still a little WIP but I'll get it up now..