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  1. danielvaltameri

    I've vanished for so long. I'm back, though!

    I've vanished for so long. I'm back, though!
  2. danielvaltameri

    Oooh, I'll take a look! ^^

    Oooh, I'll take a look! ^^
  3. danielvaltameri

    Other Well this angers me.

    Late edit: I just wish people would tell me when they don't want to roleplay anymore and we can both kindly end the roleplay instead of them just up and leaving. If people don't want to roleplay anymore, all they have to do is say so.
  4. danielvaltameri

    Searching for my Rolemate!

    Higurashi?! Yes yes yes yes yes! I LOVE Higurashi! I'd love to do an RP of it!
  5. danielvaltameri

    Not a problem! ^^

    Not a problem! ^^
  6. danielvaltameri

    Click Me! FxF, MxM and FxM! Updated 6/9/15. Ignore post count please!

    This sounds nice! I'm up for Kidnapper/Kidnapped, Angel/Human, or Demon/Human, however I'm willing to try any that you're more willing to go for. I'm pretty much up for whatever you'd prefer. I've seen a few Studio Ghibli movies; Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, and Kiki's Delivery...
  7. danielvaltameri

    I'm in need of Rp partners

    Ooh, I'm up for it! I love romance myself. Assassin x Target sounds nice, or Princess x Servant. ^^
  8. danielvaltameri


    Nice to meet you! Welcome. ^^
  9. danielvaltameri


    Hm. Interesting. Didn't know that.
  10. danielvaltameri


    White and gold. From a smaller view it looks blue and black but if you look at it closer; It's in a darker lighting area, causing it's appearance to have a darker look, turning the white a bit blue and the yellow to a darker color.
  11. danielvaltameri

    Late Night Posting. A little Distraught.

    Appreciate it, though it isn't a cheating thing. Still, valuable words here, I'll definitely take your advice. It's a fairly complicated thing to talk about I think but I appreciate you giving me some feedback.
  12. danielvaltameri

    I'm about ready to give up again. (Rant contained within)

    Understandable why you'd get irked. Not getting any response is irritating. If they didn't want to continue they should have said something as well, instead of leaving it silent until you remind them you're around for them to give a reply. Something like that has driven me nuts in the past when...
  13. danielvaltameri

    Everything hurts.

    Everything hurts.
  14. danielvaltameri

    Late Night Posting. A little Distraught.

    What do you do when you find out about something you wish you didn't know? I don't know. All I know is that I hurt. So badly. I wish I didn't allow myself to get hurt by anyone; I just wish the pain would stop, and that I could drag myself up out of the abyss I threw myself into. This is no...
  15. danielvaltameri

    Hello, hello, hello!

    For sure! Feel free to pm me anytime. ^^ and interesting! Glad to see someone that likes a lot of the same things as me on here. And yeah; It's fun to me though! I love designing websites. I'm on my 5th, and it's for this horror blog I do to expand to more content easier. And in my own way xD...
  16. danielvaltameri

    We live in a beautiful world; yeah we do, yeah we do.

    We live in a beautiful world; yeah we do, yeah we do.
  17. danielvaltameri

    Hello, hello, hello!

    Thanks! I'm already enjoying it so far, and you're right - people here are incredibly friendly. It's a pretty nice atmosphere here, which is great. ^^
  18. danielvaltameri

    Hello, hello, hello!

    Alright! And I do a bunch of music genres personally, from classical to EDM, and I've dabbled in a bit of rock and hip hop, as well as ambient. I'm not fantastic but I pride myself in the few tracks I do complete, since I put a lot of effort into them! I've only released 3 or so though so far.
  19. danielvaltameri

    Hello, hello, hello!

    For sure! I've read the Rules to be sure I Wasn't breaking any of them, and I'll be sure to visit the chatbox, as I haven't yet. Thank you for the welcome!
  20. danielvaltameri

    Hello, hello, hello!

    Hey all; Name's Brandon. Here's some stuff about me if you're curious at all. I love to do web design and programming, as well as music production, and I also tend to write on occasion. I enjoy Anime and anything related to Horror. My guilty pleasure would be really cute things; I'm not...