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  1. Bl33dingH3arts

    Effervescent's Artwork

    Omg that's so amazing! He's usually my romantic choice cos I just love his character sooooo much, he's hilarious too<3
  2. Bl33dingH3arts

    Effervescent's Artwork

    O.m.g. is your profile pic Garrus??
  3. Bl33dingH3arts

    Sketches by Grin

    really?? Cos this is amazing, can you do bodies? Lol
  4. Bl33dingH3arts

    Trying super hard to find an artist to help me :( with no luck so far v.v

    Trying super hard to find an artist to help me :( with no luck so far v.v
  5. Bl33dingH3arts

    Sketches by Grin

    Hi there, do you do any anime style like work?
  6. Bl33dingH3arts

    Effervescent's Artwork

    I really love the last pic :) are you taking requests? I'm looking for a character designer for the short story series I'm writing...
  7. Bl33dingH3arts


    Nice pic :) do you do work for others?
  8. Bl33dingH3arts

    Animation/Game Design

    Way awesome! Do you do work for others?
  9. Bl33dingH3arts

    Malo's Sketches

    I really liked the last pic in the first post :) do you do work for others??
  10. Bl33dingH3arts

    Commissions Open!

    Your work is really nice :) too bad I'm too pregnant to have an income lol
  11. Bl33dingH3arts

    Goblin's Exalted drawings

    Do you do work for other people? I'm looking for someone that can do Simi anime styled work for character design for the short story series I'm writing
  12. Bl33dingH3arts

    Roabie's Art Endeavors

    Do you do any anime style like work?
  13. Bl33dingH3arts


    I'm looking for a character sketch artist for my short story series I'm writing
  14. Bl33dingH3arts

    Saturn's Art and Commishes~

    Wow! Do you do work for others?
  15. Bl33dingH3arts


    Omg do you do work for people??
  16. Bl33dingH3arts

    Bored Artist?

    Awesome :) could you pm me please?
  17. Bl33dingH3arts

    Bored Artist?

    I like :) it's really good, especially considering your age. Tho if you do work for me, I prefer mine to all be black and white lol
  18. Bl33dingH3arts

    Bored Artist?

    I don't see a signature...? If you want to, maybe it'd be easier on my phone lol, you could send me a sample to my email :)
  19. Bl33dingH3arts

    looking for some fun writers :)

    Omg great! Message me :) we could even do all 3 if you wanted to :D
  20. Bl33dingH3arts

    Bored Artist?

    Oh no, just character sketches, like I have my own sketches but I can't do bodies or hair or stuff like that lol I just design outfits lol