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  1. LocalFloridaman

    Fantasy FxM - Dark Fantasy Advanced Lit

    I don't know if I posses the skills or grasp of advanced literature required to write fantasy to the level your looking for, but I'm interested (at least with the vampire angle, I dig a good Dracula tale) I'm also down for just being site friends, gods above know I need some, being new an all...
  2. LocalFloridaman

    Fantasy Amasia (Interest Check)
    Index: Addendum.

    I'm not looking for players yet, this is mostly to see interest and look for input and or folks who might be opening for setting down more concrete plot line ideas and rules for the game in general. Don't plan on using a Dice or pnp system, but I'm not opposed to it, as I tend to prefer GURPS or...
  3. LocalFloridaman

    Fantasy Amasia (Interest Check)

    Forgive the lack of editing and formatting, im still getting used to this site and its facets. The Basic premise I have come up with goes as fallows: A group of modern day people of various origins and life styles are seemingly transported from their modern lives in to an alternative variant...
  4. LocalFloridaman

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hola. I'm Floridaman, also known as Mike. Been tinkering with world building and word smithing for the better part of a decade now. Started on RPGateway way back in the before times (early 2010s), eventually ended up on Nationstates and I'm looking for a new place to actually get in to GMing...