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  1. Juneberry

    Fantasy Arcane Advisor

    The city streets were complicated for Micah. He couldn’t recognize anything in this place, a place he’d never been before. The scent of spices stuffed his nostrils, making him dizzy as he wandered down a market street. A deep sigh escaped his pursed lips. This was sure to be a problem. Sure, he...
  2. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {CS}

    Tell me anything that needs to be changed. Sorry, I have no images right now since I've only just made her! STAT ROLLS (for reference): 14, 11, 14, 6, 11, 13 +1 to each for Human. NAME: Brita Cloven Class: Paladin Race: Human Background: Acolyte Alignment: Neutral Good Armor Class: 18 (With...
  3. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    Yeah, realized that after the fact. I just need to look over the background info I need to keep in mind for the profile and then I'm done. :D
  4. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    By the way do we roll HP here too?
  5. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    This post is for my dice rolls. Please hold while I figure out how to add them. EDIT: I figured out how, but I wasn't sure how to do it multiple times so accidentally added a 5th and 6th die on the first set. Just ignore them. (I keep pressing the wrong button. The first set was a 15 - 1 before...
  6. Juneberry

    Looking for Players for a Dungeons and Dragons TTRPG

    Where do you want us to roll the 4D6's to drop the lowest number? 'cause when I did that elsewhere I got way too good rolls and want to be sure if I should be rolling them here or using those regardless. (I shared in the OOC but since you've responded here not there, thought I'd ask here too)
  7. Juneberry

    Fandom .hack//Upload

    The meadow that spread before their eyes were a sight for sore eyes. The rather unusual pair of a wavemaster and fist-fighter had just arrived as a duo, having come from Mac Anu with a renewed sense of hope. It was a newbie friendly area- one that was supposedly safer than the last one they’d...
  8. Juneberry

    Fandom From Eye To Eye We Meet - 1x1 Pokemon RP

    "That's true too. I've also heard rumors that in some places, Ursaring can evolve under a full moon even further- though I haven't seen it, yet. And there are those that say that Clefairy, which normally only evolve with a moon stone, often evolve in the wild using aid from the full moon, too...
  9. Juneberry

    Fandom From Eye To Eye We Meet - 1x1 Pokemon RP

    "True, but I think a lot of evolved Pokemon are more rare depending on where you are. For example, a lot of Eevee evolutions are rare to find in the wild since they often only happen around certain terrain or evolutionary stones, right? And there are some Pokemon who only can evolve during...
  10. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    I used a point buy calculator to do mine to be safe too. I went with 13 (5), 10 (2), 13 (5), 12 (4), 12 (4), 14 (7) if we're doing point buy. :) I'll decide on what I'm actually doing (rolled, point buy, and if rolled which rolls to use) after Cosplayer gets back to us :)
  11. Juneberry

    Fandom From Eye To Eye We Meet - 1x1 Pokemon RP

    "Glaceon are more common in... Sinnoh or Unova, I think, right? Same with Leafeon. At the very least... I think that's where the person was from that I first heard of them from." She seemed to be struggling to recall the exact information- she was never very good with geography to begin with...
  12. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    I might just wait to finish until they reply. I've already decided how I'm going to do the rest of my character at least :)
  13. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    Maybe i should try them here instead of elsewhere? If i can figure out how the dice work which I haven't actually tested yet. xD
  14. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    Tried it. New rolls: 9, 10, 5, 8, 10, 4 (before the +1 to each for human, again) What do I do? Hm....
  15. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    I mean I managed to roll a 15, 16, 16, 17, 17 and 18 somehow after dropping one of the dice. :'D That's why I'm concerned. Then add in the +1 for human and well... Yeah.
  16. Juneberry

    Fandom From Eye To Eye We Meet - 1x1 Pokemon RP

    Hiruka watched as Beatty had to remind Ashper not to run too far ahead. It was endearing, like watching a parent and their child- at least to Hiruka. But then again, Hiruka wasn't known to treat Pokemon much different than people half the time herself. That may have been the only reason she made...
  17. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    Wait, we're supposed to do point buy? I thought I read dice rolls in the original interest check. What number of points? I forget the usual since it's been a while.
  18. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    I wanna know that too because I just rolled on my own for it and my stats are way too high even with the 4D6 drop the lowest method. I am very worried right now about this... xD
  19. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    Oh, another question. Are we doing XP or Milestone? :D
  20. Juneberry

    The Journey of Heroes! (OPEN!) {OOC}

    I assume you're referring to starter equipment?