Search results for query: *

  1. DragonSlayer57

    Traditional Drawing Slayer!

    I literally never thought I’d use this thread since i suck at drawing (at least not as good as ya’ll!) But then i shocked myself by drawing my first decent photo without tracing, just looked at a photo and drew! It was for a project so here’s a drawing of Robert J Oppenheimer. A pretty trashy...
  2. DragonSlayer57

    Absence A formal apology

    So lately I’ve been having some writers block (basically my public enemy no.1) so If I’m writing a bit less in rp posts or taking a long time in replies, it’s cause my quarter is finishing soon and a lot of things are going on rn lol. I will be online but just not as much! I hope y’all...
  3. DragonSlayer57

    Fandom Dragons domain

    Hello! Currently chilling. On this beautiful site, How are you? Anyways straight to the point. I am currently looking for a couple rps. I don’t care about age as long as you are nice!! I am a bit young if you are concerned about age but its fineeeeeeee Fandoms: if you’d like to introduce me to...