Search results for query: *

  1. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    Ling folds his arms and grimaces at the word 'dove', purposefully avoiding the Medic's eye. "The less I have to hear about that damn bird, the better. Homunculus or not, we still feel pain. I think I speak for all of us when I say, I don't wanna go out in a war for the multiverse by getting...
  2. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    Rex chuckles and shakes his head before he seats himself. He beckons the bartender over. "Get us a Jenerossi Tea, will you? Rather not get tipsy so soon. Gotta stay sharp, and besides... a pint hits the spot once you've earnt it, eh?" He turns to Reimu and Marisa. "Not to say you two haven't...
  3. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    It isn't long until Rex shoulders open the door, pausing to look sheepish for a moment before he approaches Marisa, rubbing the back of his neck as he does. He clears his throat, visibly avoiding her eye. "Just wanted to let you know, I, uh... I'm sorry for what went down back there. Wasn't in...
  4. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    "Cheap noodles and beer, huh? I guess her and I are kindred spirits." Ling turns in his seat to face the Medic, arms folded and wearing a slight smile. "With technology like that, you could conquer the whole world. It takes a lot to eclipse what a homunculus' body can do. I'm impressed." Ling...
  5. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    Micah Bell "Little lady," Micah says, leaning in receptively and leering over Dorothy. "I find you... mighty impressive." He leans closer and reaches out, his fingertips a hair's breadth from her cheek -- but he settles for placing a hand on her shoulder and gripping a little too firmly. "You...
  6. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    A voice inside Ling Yao's head grumbles. "Ohhhhh, brother... alright, tag me in. I'll set this straight." "Not a chance in hell." "Seriously?! You're not tellin' me you wanna put up with whatever the goddamn pipsqueak and his goo-goo eyes mechanic girlfriend had going on again, right?" "We...
  7. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    At the instant of the word 'idiot', Asuka's silhouette is overlaid with another in Ling Yao's mind. He can practically see the metal arm, the ponytail, the begrudging acknowledgement of kinship. Thus, he knows better than to push his luck. "Your wish is my command," Ling replies sheepishly...
  8. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    "Didn't think so," Ling replies, easing himself into the chair across from Asuka and crossing one leg over the other, "but it was worth a shot, wasn't it?" Ling drums his fingers on the glass his drink came in, but doesn't partake of it quite yet. "Sorry, for... what we had to do. If there...
  9. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    Asuka feels a familiar presence come up from behind her and tap her on the shoulder -- Greed, looking resolutely sheepish, eyes closed. "Now a good time?" he says, in a voice distinctly not Greed's. @Twice Knightly
  10. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    Micah Bell Micah takes a sip of the drink offered to him, and visibly recoils. "My Lord, mister..." He swirls the glass's contents and chuckles grimly to himself. "If I ever knew you could make a business outta bottlin' your piss I wouldn't be here right now. You got any tips for me? On how...
  11. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    Micah Bell To the more observant minds among you, Micah's mildly discomforting presence was a relatively new sensation. He toted two guns and was all too eager to use them -- and yet, no one had a bullet hole in them, nor did you hear a single gunshot. In fact, none of you had even seen him in...
  12. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    Versus Eyes wide and utterly taken aback by the force with which an invisible force struck him, Greed is sent flying through a handful of chairs and careening over a fair few more, ending up a few rows back from where he started. He dusts himself off as he stands, taking shaken breaths as his...
  13. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    "Whatever you say, Doc -- you just try and keep up." Despite Greed's braggadocious tone, his boasting is anything but empty. He proves it in short order, darting between bodies, debris and strewn about chairs with a swiftness simply inhuman. He appears more a black blur than a man at times...
  14. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    The two forces collide in the middle of their trajectories, and both are stopped dead in their tracks. Rex grits his teeth as his fist struggles against Hershel's elbow, to no avail -- yet, Hershel's limb is also locked in stalemate. To break it, Rex simply rears back and slams his head into...
  15. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    The strike finds its mark, and Rex's sword clatters to the floor as he staggers back, unsteady on his own two feet -- but not yet fallen. Eventually, the shock of the blow forces him to a knee. Hershel can about make out his face, splotches of red flowering in the white of his eye, a thin line...
  16. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    Rex hisses in pain as Hershel's armoured fist collides with his hand at the knuckles. An audible, tangible crunch is felt by both men, pain rockets through Rex's arm but he pays it no mind. The white sword disintegrates into the same red light and, for the moment, Rex's damaged hand simply stays...
  17. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    The Soul Arrow comes from Rex's blind spot, and in conjunction with Hershel's counterattack, it's enough to throw him off kilter for the moment. Orbeck and Hershel's exchange comes during a reprieve as Rex catches his breath, but it's little more than precious seconds. Once Rex is back on his...
  18. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    Rex's body moves with a cold, machine-like brutality as his blade is smacked away. Deliberately, calmly, he plants his feet as Hershel pulls the blade forward-- --and lets it go, watching as it fades away in red motes of light in Hershel's grasp. He snarls and brings his other arm around...
  19. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    as a force like a charging bull hurtles into Hershel's periphery and slams into his midsection. His breath is forced from his lungs by the impact as he's taken off his feet and slammed hard into the floor in the aisle. He's given scarcely any time to catch his breath before a more pressing...
  20. allegedlydave

    Fandom Legacy

    The punch stops just shy of Medic's face, the barrier between Asuka's fist and the doctor's jaw having appeared in what felt like the blink of an eye. Greed stands there, palm open and holding Asuka's fist in place. That black material coats both hands, turning his fingers into sharp claws...