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  • Users: Dead
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Dead

    Yakkaina Jinsei | Dei x Nalzrad |

    IN JAPAN Two strangers with no knowledge of the other's existence meet through a quiet cafe not popular among society but a nice place of tranquility for many who knew of it. Follow along a dirt path through the woods where you'll find Midori Leaf Cafe, which may look to be some old...
  2. Dead

    Yakkaina Jinsei | Dei x Nalzrad |

    @Dead, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  3. Dead

    Yakkaina Jinsei | Dei x Nalzrad |

    Character Sheet You are allowed to add on anything else you like into the CS @Nalzrad Name: Age: Occupation: Personality: Extra: Name: Reina Harpe Age: 26 Occupation: Elementary Teacher Personality: Reina is a spontaneous girl who is amiable to anyone she meets...
  4. Dead

    Realistic or Modern Yakkaina Jinsei | Dei x Nalzrad |

  5. Dead

    Lucas Jaeger |Rank 1| [Flipside]

    Lucas Jaeger Age: 21 Sex: Male Appearance: Short light-brown hair with ruby red eyes. He stands exactly at 6'0" and has a average-type body with a few tone to it. Ivory skin from his mix with his albino mother's blood and secretly a mole shaped like a heart located under his left eye...
  6. Dead

    The Cat Boy and his Master | DeijiiChan x Pixel | [Inactive]

    GENERAL Name: Gabriel Amundson Pronunciation: ˈgeɪbrɪəl Nickname(s): Gabe, Gaby. Created by friends and previous lovers, used by parents, shortened or out of affectionate matters. Doesn't like to be called Gaby by strangers and others of the same gender. Often teased with it...
  7. Dead

    Choose Me ( DeijiiChan & EternalDreamer ) [Inactive]

  8. Dead

    The Sea God's Love ( Nico X DeijiiChan ) [Inactive]

    [CENTER] The Characters:
  9. Dead

    The Black Plague ( Deijiichan and Evergreen98 ) [Inactive]

    DeijiiChan submitted a new role play: The Black Plague ( Deijiichan and Evergreen98 ) - What would you do if everyone died? Read more about this role play...
  10. Dead

    1x1 Forbidden Love (Saito and DeijiiChan)

    Character Sheet: Appearance: Name: Nicknames: ( Optional ) Age: (18 - 22 ) Gender: Race: Personality: History: ( Optional ) Weapon/s: ( Up to two weapons ) Pet/s: ( Up to three pets )
  11. Dead

    1x1 Forbidden Love (Saito and DeijiiChan)

    There a reason why we have a OOC Thread!
  12. Dead

    1x1 Forbidden Love (Saito and DeijiiChan) [Inactive]

    We shall start where you were teleported to Forgi