Search results for query: *

  1. CinnamonShards

    Some Ideas

    I found two brain cells to rub together, and came up with a couple of scenarios. Send me a PM if one of them strikes your fancy. :) NOTES - I prefer to post from my phone while I'm at work, so my posts are usually short -not brainless or sloppy, just short. -I'd really like a partner who...
  2. CinnamonShards

    Keeping it Casual

    Hey all. I've been taking a break from RP for the last few months to deal with some unexpected and fairly traumatic BS. Endlessly scrolling tumblr and reddit is starting to take a toll on my data plan and turn my brain into a potato, so I'm hoping to find someone cool to play typey make-believe...
  3. CinnamonShards

    Cin's partner search thread

    Alright, now that I've taken my RP boots out of storage and dusted them off, I'm ready to dive into the thick of things. :3 Basic Stuff: - I'm on my mobile a lot, so I don't usually post more than a couple paragraphs at a time. My posts do tend to be longer when I'm at my computer, but 5-6...
  4. CinnamonShards

    One x One A Home by the Sea (With FreeMustang)

    @CinnamonShards, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  5. CinnamonShards

    One x One A Home by the Sea (With FreeMustang)

    @CinnamonShards, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  6. CinnamonShards

    A Home by the Sea (With FreeMustang)

    "'ll probably look good in the spring." Jack put his arm around his lover's shoulder and gave her a squeeze. He hope it wasn't obvious that he was having a hard time trying to find something flattering to say about their new home. He pointed to a squat, scraggly tree. Under the...
  7. CinnamonShards

    Request something, yo.

    I don't draw much anymore, but I'm trying to change that. Imma draw for as long as I can stand myself tonight. Toss a request my way? (try to keep them fairly simple plz) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/weasel.jpg.7fc9752c47f50d856a2123cf78809c54.jpg"...
  8. CinnamonShards

    One x One The Cherry on Top (Featuring Daemonic)

    @CinnamonShards, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  9. CinnamonShards

    One x One The Cherry on Top (Featuring Daemonic)

    @CinnamonShards, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  10. CinnamonShards

    The Cherry on Top (Featuring Daemonic)

    Either a convention was in town, or Maggie had found what she was looking for. "Okay, I see him," she said, peering through the window. "Now what?" She tried to look inconspicuous as a young couple came out of the Baskin Robins, laughing and carrying waffle cones. Once they'd passed, she...
  11. CinnamonShards

    Help me dust my rp skills off?

    It's been a while since I've RPed in a forum setting, but I'm excited to meet all you cool people! :D I don't have a particular story or genre in mind, but I do have a character that I tend to fall back on like a security blanket. I've used her in original stories set in the modern day, and a...
  12. CinnamonShards

    Afternoon Ducklings~

    It's been ages since I've gotten myself nestled into a good RP. :) I've been bouncing around tumblr and the Figment RP board for a while, but I think it's time I started to apply myself. I've been RPing for....almost 13 years now? xD Wow, I suddenly feel really old. I hope we can be...