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  1. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Akarea, Lore.

    Lore and such for the world Akarea is situated in! Given the open nature of the roleplay, and that I am allowing other players to write their own lore for the story, provided it doesn't overwrite what is already made (without prior discussion) General Dunedain, the name chosen by the Gods upon...
  2. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Akarea, a frontier settlement [Open]

    Dunedain, the name chosen by the Gods upon it's creation, is a great continent of fantastical creatures and magic. It is not uncommon for even the lowliest of human serfs to possess some degree of magical talent. Inhabited by all sorts of races alongside the humans. Elves, dwarves and beastmen...
  3. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Akarea, Out of Character chat!

    Talk about anything in here. Doesn't need to be related to the roleplay what-so ever. Thread: Akarea, a frontier settlement [Open] Characters: Akarea, Characters [Open]
  4. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Akarea, Characters [Open]

    Character creation is simple! Pick your name, your race, your age and your appearance. Add in what sort of skills your character has. Include a bit of back story perhaps, where the character came from and such. Be as detailed as you desire. Perhaps some idea of how the character tends to act...
  5. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Akarea, a frontier settlement.

    Dunedain, the name chosen by the Gods upon it's creation, is a great continent of fantastical creatures and magic. It is not uncommon for even the lowliest of human serfs to possess some degree of magical talent. Inhabited by all sorts of races alongside the humans. Elves, dwarves and beastmen...
  6. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Adventuring, once again.

    Stormlen city, the center of Kanera. A city of high walls, bustling market places and busy inns. The hub for adventurers of the land. Something was always going on in this city, such a busy place. Someone always had a problem that needed to be solved. And there was always somewhere there to fix...
  7. Foxgirl Jay

    One x One [Characters] Adventuring, once again.

    for character @cerimonialmage
  8. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Calling all adventurers, always! [Adventures in Ememoleia]

    Link to the roleplay: More info on the actual roleplay page. Basic gist of the roleplay. An adventure-themed roleplay centered around questing. Join a party, go on adventures, strike out on your own, or make your own adventures...
  9. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Adventures in Ememoleia [OOC]

    Questions and other assorted whatevers go here.
  10. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Adventures in Ememoleia

    (Always accepting new characters) In the land of Ememoleia, adventurers of all sort flock to the cities in their little bands or alone, in search of quest and adventure. And the idyllic fantasy land is rife with it. It could be called a dangerous land, filled with monsters of all sorts denning...
  11. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Adventures in Ememoleia [Characters]

    Humans and Elves and Dwarves and Orcs, and oh my! All sorts of fun fantasy nonsense! If you feel like making up a race, go for it. Just provide ample description of what that Race exactly is, and providing it's nothing overpowered and within reason, it'll be allowed. Character limitations. Not...
  12. Foxgirl Jay

    Ordo Hereticus: Valhen XI incursion

    Aboard the Indefatigable Wrath,    +++ Incoming Message Relay +++ Sasharen personal pict chimes, the screen flaring to life with a gently strobing green glow. It distracts he left from her recreational reading, as she gives a sidelong glance to the offending machine. Her terminal...
  13. Foxgirl Jay

    [Character example]

    This is a basic example of the sort of info I need for a character. You may put more detail,and that's very much welcomed. Name: John Smith.  Appearance: Male, 5' 7" brown hair blue eyes pale competition. Heavy Set muscled build. Backstory: Homeless orphan. Taken by the Inquisitors to...
  14. Foxgirl Jay


    Name: Sasharen Dolmuth Description: Female. 5' 11", strong build. Blonde hair, lightly tanned skin. Long scar running from forehead to cheek, left side of face. Blue eyes. Bio: Highborn, of a desert oasis planet. Discovered to have the touch of the Warp early on. Taken away to the...
  15. Foxgirl Jay

    How to Character

    Character guidelines  Fairly simple character creation.  If you have a concept and are unsure how to make it work in 40k Lore, post it anyways and I'll help you make it work. In an Inquisitors team typically, each member of the squad is focused on a certain specialization. Demolitions...
  16. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Adventurers of the Red Snapper Inn (Always taking new patrons)

    This will for the most part, be a thread about adventurers of all sort and races interacting with one another, and going on glorious adventure! Or just mucking about, that's always an option. This'll be set in D&D style fantasy setting. Classes and races from there are available. You can also...
  17. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Adventurers of the Red Snapper Inn (Always taking new patrons)

    Questions and discussions go here, for my personal message box.
  18. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Adventurers of the Red Snapper Inn (Always taking new patrons)

    The usual, no overpowered characters, and they have to follow a class archetype. It's not meant to restrict, only to simplify character creation and reduce arguments that may happen. Classes 5e Archetypes - D&D Wiki A list of classes for you to browse, and help make the choice. The second...
  19. Foxgirl Jay

    Fantasy Adventurers of the Red Snapper Inn (Always taking new patrons)

    The harbor-city Kolkhome has a many number of taverns in it, large and small, upper and lower class. But none attracts a crowd as unique and simultaneously specific, as the Red Snapper inn. It's the owner, is actually a guild master. Master of a guild with very loose membership rules, only that...