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  1. That Merry Wanderer

    Fantasy Any good writers wanna do a Labyrinth rp with me?

    The Pitch An ancient terror long locked away below the Goblin City finds its way out of its prison and threatens only the kingdom, but the whole Underground. A woman who has long left her dreams in girlhood finds herself plunged into a world so impossibly fantastical...and so impossibly...
  2. That Merry Wanderer

    Fandom Big, huge interest check for Labyrinth crossover story

    I have been working on a nice, fat skeleton to what I would like to consider more of a collaborative story rather than an rp per se. I mean it's still going to be written as responses to other posts, but this story has a definite direction. There is a sequence of events that need to occur and I...
  3. That Merry Wanderer

    Well-Detailed, Multi-Para Elitist Snob Seeks 1-2 Others for a Labyrinth Crossover RP

    Salutations! I am looking for another, MAYBE two other talented writers to be involved in working on a BIG BIG Labyrinth project with a bit of a crossover with realm of Legend (you know that movie with Tom Cruise and unicorns and Tim Curry playing that demon with the giant horns) as well as...