Search results for query: *

  1. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    "Well any hospitals or clinics you can remember going too?" Medic asks
  2. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    "Well lets see if we can track some down." Medic says. "It is a good place to start."
  3. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    "Do you have existing medical records?"
  4. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    "Ah. Yes that is... A little bit of a problem." I say. "Well its possible but quite difficult."
  5. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    "Absolutely. I just need a DNA sample from the body." He says
  6. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    @Rcticwolf (I might need to send Peter back to the present. Or just use tine travel shenanigans to have him in two times)
  7. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    "hello Killian. So a new body yes?" He asks. "Tell me do you wabt a copy of your original body or something completely new?" Alex would recognize some of the tech here. Medic was cannibalizing Wolfe's tech for his own use.
  8. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    Medic let them in
  9. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    "A simple process. Bring her here and we will see what can be done ja?"
  10. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

    "Honestly considering what we've been through maybe." Pinto says. "I mean you used to be a human and owned by a demon so." Corinn attempts to open the door Peter started talking to staff about the day of the Birthday party.
  11. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    "Ah Herr Alex. What can I do for you my mechanics fruend."
  12. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

    (Its a tiring job) "Not Mad. Just strong." Coronn took his knife and began cutting "Alright." They go to the Jerry's Burgers N Fun. "No matter where you to everyone has their version of Chuck E Cheese."
  13. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

    (Started a new job is roaf safety and sugnage so... Very tired very busy) "You two are mad." She said. Corinn went to find an enterance to yhe ship. "Nice look Porcupine." Peter says with a smile. "ready to flash some badge?"
  14. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

    (Legit thought I responded) "you can't be serious " lyris said Corinn follows. "Yeah that sounds like a plan." I say.
  15. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Multiverse Unite

    "Leon." Leon says tiredly. "Names Titus," Titus said. "Lookl introductions are all good and nice but we got to gho. Now. Leon doesn't have much time before he turns into one of those tentacled freaks." ~~~ "Yeah. You gonna go?" I ask ~~~ The doctor turned to the door where the gas masked child was.
  16. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

    "I don't think your dad has anything to do with it either. I'm just saying if he wasn't good enough to do it,"
  17. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Superheros and Villains

    He nods. "Harolds a dick." He said. ~~~ Breeze gave her a comforting hug. He pulled different emotions to the forefront. Mainly feelings of comfort and safety
  18. The Wordsmith Myth

    Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

    "hey." He takes her hands in his. "If your dad trying to his darndest wasn't enough to split us. We got this."
  19. The Wordsmith Myth

    Realistic or Modern Superheroes and Villains Characters

    (I once played a 4 year old necormancer who was adopted by a couple of older necromancers)
  20. The Wordsmith Myth

    Realistic or Modern Superheroes and Villains Characters

    (We've had much younger)