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  1. ZackStop

    Multiple Settings Serenity academy character thread (repost)

    Name: Silja Ulvefelt Age: 17 Base: Wind & Energy Nationality: Norwegian Height: 5'10 / 178 cm Weight: "It is quite rude to ask such a thing." Likes: Elegance, Sashimi Dislikes: Inelegance, Snobby rich types, Brutishness, Imperfection, Fried foods, Denim Personality: Silja is a hard...
  2. ZackStop

    Multiple Settings Serenity academy, an magical girl rp mixed with some modern day settings

    Were bases addressed somewhere? I can surmise its like base elements like fire, wind etc. but does it go beyond that? 🤔
  3. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Spivey was about as impatient as the old woman had surmised, but was it so unreasonable? They literally fell from the sky and nothing has gone well since. This talk of seers didn't peek their interest to say the least, not enough to distract them from their main goal of getting out of this...
  4. ZackStop

    Multiple Settings Serenity academy, an magical girl rp mixed with some modern day settings

    I’d like to see where this goes count me in
  5. ZackStop

    Futuristic The Omega Force (Suicide Squad in space)

    this sounds like it can get real crazy and real fun. Consider me interested
  6. ZackStop

    DnD 5e - Servants of Dawn (Open)

    I’d be interested- but you already have a lot of players as is and I dont want to over complicate things. If you got room I can throw in a character otherwise I totally understand. 👍
  7. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    The others were far more interested in what Damian had to say than Ren, who chose to focus more on what was to come. Let them sort out mental heavy lifting, something that was nowhere near his forte as apposed to his knowledge on gears and tools and things that go tick. Example being the shield...
  8. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Ilana was pleased with her work, able to successfully cut off those determined to torment a woman and ripping her away from her home. This way, there was nowhere for them to run as the large stone structure reached several feet above their heads. She almost smiled, though she would have no way...
  9. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Spivey had calmed down at last, nearly at the drop of the hat simply by giving them a potential punching bag, and a wonderful punching bag that was. Huracan, despite being a native with a relative understanding of English and one providing them with shelter, couldn't seem to get on their good...
  10. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Ren listened in a sort of disbelief as they spoke of whatever horrors had already begun for the young girl, terribly zoned out from the thought. It was more reason however, to dive head first to their next destination, bolstering his resolve to aid his ally and save her friend. Thought the fears...
  11. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Ren listened to her as his expression that was once a look of confusion became one of shock. Something like that felt so unreal, that someone so young was taken to the place Damian had been talking about. Hannah was important somehow and to many people, but what did that mean? He knew nothing...
  12. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Spivey would have shouted back at Huracan's half-shitty English, but Esther was really proving to be a pain in the ass as she was still stuck on details of their skirmish. Spivey was too riled up now to let her insult go uncontested and began pointing as their voice crackled with static...
  13. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Ilana was too focused on what was in front of her to notice what the two geezers were up to, let alone what her own group was dealing with at the time of her departure. Even with her eyes glued to the vanguard, she could smell the lingering scent of something metallic and she soon found out why...
  14. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    Ren let out a sigh of relief as soon as Ava too reunited with the rest of them, and as a bonus she was unharmed. He wasn't going to leap at her with a hug like Anya did, especially because that looks like it would hurt, like throwing yourself into a wall, but he did approach as well. "We were...
  15. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    The God forsaken forest who's entrance was now a smidge torched from none other than the drunken mercenary, that is where the men began to flee. Spivey watched as they retreated back to where they belong where the children tear each other limb from limb out of sheer boredom. That is at least...
  16. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    It was about what she expected, a run down excuse for habitability which was nothing new to someone who was brought up in the Outlands. Ilana watched as the town came into view and soon landed in its heart. She once again stepped off of a ship onto the hot soil. It took some time but the heat...
  17. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    "Uh, hey Narzas, wake up." The boy had no idea what was wrong with her, he was no doctor and Damian didn't seem like much help either. All he could do is cautiously shake her. Luckily though, that was around the time another member of his party showed up and to Ren's relief, it was Johan. He...
  18. ZackStop

    Fantasy The Great Games of Nye

    "Whew!" Spivey could smell the overwhelming aroma of smoke and burning flesh but became a tad bit disappointed when only two of about a dozen savage men were caught in the blaze. They quickly looked through the group as they began to disperse, loud shouts came from their angry faces perhaps as...
  19. ZackStop

    Fandom One Piece: Journey into the Undersea IC

    Gala's expectations only lowered as this Bridgitte character lost about 90% of these morons with this long winded emphasis on some big boat and all the fine details, way too much to keep up with. It was an impressive build, but she was confident she could come up with something better. She was...