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  1. oddbear

    Other matt's samples !!

    one x one // playing as Joey Ferraro an original character // word count: 1380 The fall was Joey’s second least favorite season. Not to say that it was bad by any means, but he just missed the bright lively colors of summer and fall. Almost everything seemed muted around Joey, lifeless. The...
  2. The Beebz

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello- I have been roleplaying since 2008. I started out on Gaia Online and by 2010 it was my whole life every day when I met my best friend, who I have known lomger than half the time I've been alive at this point. We mostly did fandom ship roleplay, and we both would take ooc about what drama...
  3. oddbear

    Other matt's samples !!

    one x one // playing as Ellis McGrath an original character // word count: 1219 Ellis McGrath was not a fucking idiot. He had been a well trained hunter for over a decade now–there was no reason for him to get as messed up as he did. Ellis Tobias McGrath–doctor Ellis Tobias McGrath was a...
  4. Prairerosethefirst

    Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

    “We’re safe to go back to the shop. Those two were the only ones to worry over. Whoever they were chasing is long gone.” Jay smiled and floated ahead as Bolt went to follow. The living man brushing the water out of his thick hair and sighing. “Once we get back in town we’re safe. It’s a safer...
  5. oddbear

    Other matt's samples !!

    one x one // playing as Miya Atsumu from Haikyuu!! // word count: ~946 Rumors were one of Atsumu's favorite things to hear. He always had a penchant for gossip, having been the topic for a lot of gossip. Rumors kept the world spinning and Atsumu was always ready to hear the news with a...
  6. pumpkin-pie

    Fantasy Looking around (OC × OC RP)

    Sweet! DM me and let's see if something happens, lol
  7. Maxxob

    Active 1x1 - [Ryke - Ryken Outskirts] The Clock Tower Tutelage

    Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter // Gilgamesh Titles: Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85 Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c...
  8. mdebourg

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    Tuesday, August 10th, Route 39, WCS Rank 25,274. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras. "Nidorina, let's stop that Omanyte, Skull Bash!" The skull bash does halt the Omanyte as well as get it to come out of its shell. At this Andy jumps on the...
  9. icedthemoon

    Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

    Carlos Da Silva Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado Carlos was having a very hard time suppressing the extreme nature of his smile. He bent down, incredibly gently putting Kaleb down, making very sure that he did not accidentally hit the leg or twist it around or anything. He...
  10. cluey

    Multiple Settings clue's search board (open!)

  11. Keeperoftheghosts

    Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

    Ivory let out a sigh of relief dropping her hands and smiling at Jay giving him a wave. "That was a close call....thank the goddess they didn't see us....I'm definitely starting to understand Blue's warning though." She said letting out a nervous laugh. "...Everything go okay for you?" She asked...
  12. oddbear

    Other matt's samples !!

    one x one // playing as Bakugo Katsuki & Uraraka Ochako from My Hero Academia // word count: 482 Ochako nodded along, still smiling widely. He was a plain looking dude, a bit on the sheepish side, but kinda cute. She was able to look over his tattoos, humming low in an internal praise. She...
  13. monkeydoll555

    Fantasy Looking around (OC × OC RP)

    Im interested!
  14. Prairerosethefirst

    Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

    The storm cleared as fast as it had appeared. The two men staring each other down before the taller went to walk off. “Well maybe if Receiver wasn’t a bitch then they wouldn’t have defected to begin with.” The man grumbled pretending to have said something else when the other glanced at him...
  15. Lucyfer

    Fandom Coral, Abide with Rubicon!

    ...planet.” Everyone knew her as a Cinder, so she had to keep up with that, after all. “Tiny! Come meet your client. Tiny’s Lilith,” Carla offered. ~***~ Despite the re-education, the film seemed to latch onto Huntress and capture her, restoring some of herself as it forced her into memories...
  16. Hecotoro

    Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

    CODE BY SEROBLISSREINACORTEZ Tuesday, August 10th, Route 39, WCS Rank 25,274. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras. "Nidorina, let's stop that Omanyte, Skull Bash!" Sapphire lowered her head, aiming at the rolling fossil while the Ledian spammed...
  17. oddbear

    Other matt's samples !!

    one x one // playing as Oikawa Tooru from Haikyuu !! // word count: 518 Well. Wasn't that something. Tooru stared at his phone, blinking at the darkening screen. He figured Hajime was hooking up with someone (which was perfectly fine), but he wasn't quite expecting it to be Miya Atsumu of all...
  18. LumeNym

    Fandom Genshin RP Interest Check/GM Recruitment

    I guess I'm up for basically anything, whether a more set storyline or something more sandboxey. I just love the world and want to explore it more through writing ^^
  19. EquineGurl23

    Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

    Kaleb Price Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico Kaleb didn’t want to look away from Carlos. He knew now why Carlos couldn’t stop looking at Kaleb. He was finding that he was the same exact way. He felt like he’d found something he needed but didn’t know he did. Kaleb...