Search results for query: *

  1. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Hey! Uh, I know it's been a while but my Discord got hacked recently.

    Hey! Uh, I know it's been a while but my Discord got hacked recently.
  2. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Trying to reconnect with my Discord friends that I lost on my hacked account..

    Trying to reconnect with my Discord friends that I lost on my hacked account..
  3. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Inferno, I need your help!

    Inferno, I need your help!
  4. RedtheRoyalGuard

    I'm alright. Today was my day off and I'm working on the reply now!

    I'm alright. Today was my day off and I'm working on the reply now!
  5. RedtheRoyalGuard

    I'm here!

    I'm here!
  6. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Hey! So sorry for not responding! I was busy with work and school so I didn't really have time...

    Hey! So sorry for not responding! I was busy with work and school so I didn't really have time! I'll respond shortly!
  7. RedtheRoyalGuard

    You sure?

    You sure?
  8. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Pirates again?

    Pirates again?
  9. RedtheRoyalGuard

    XD Lol Also, I miss our RPs but I understand that if you don't want to do them anymore.

    XD Lol Also, I miss our RPs but I understand that if you don't want to do them anymore.
  10. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Yes. It does

    Yes. It does
  11. RedtheRoyalGuard

    I feel that...I really want more of the cold weather since I've been hot a lot of the time.

    I feel that...I really want more of the cold weather since I've been hot a lot of the time.
  12. RedtheRoyalGuard

    I understand that.

    I understand that.
  13. RedtheRoyalGuard

    You've been doing alright?

    You've been doing alright?
  14. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Lol that's always fun.

    Lol that's always fun.
  15. RedtheRoyalGuard

    I'm alright. Yourself?

    I'm alright. Yourself?
  16. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Hey...Been a while

    Hey...Been a while
  17. RedtheRoyalGuard

    Yes please

    Yes please
  18. RedtheRoyalGuard


  19. RedtheRoyalGuard

    I sent a Discord Friend request!

    I sent a Discord Friend request!
  20. RedtheRoyalGuard

    May I send the DM or you got it covered?

    May I send the DM or you got it covered?