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  1. MittyMittens

    Fantasy For the supernatural genre/werewolf rp lovers. Drama, Slice of Life meets fantasy.

    Bad Moon Rising Due to werewolf numbers dropping tremendously two packs who have never gotten along in the past are to join together. Main Character Sheets OOC
  2. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Bad Moon Rising (Werewolf Rp) (Open)

    Werewolves are dwindling in numbers, quickly due to human werewolf hunters. Only two large packs remain. The nightshade and the lunar pack. The nightshade pack are very traditional in their ways of doing things, avoiding humans at all costs. More feral if you will. The Lunar pack blends in with...
  3. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Bad Moon Rising Character Sheet's

    ...a werewolf hunter. Name: Appearance: (Any face claim is fine with small description) Human Form: Wolf Form: Age: (Limit 15-25) Gender: *Pack: (Lunar or Nightshade) For or Against Merge: Human Occupation: (Only applies if you're in the Lunar pack) **Role: ***Bedroom: Personality...
  4. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Bad Moon Rising OOC

    OOC Chat for any questions and general chatting and ideas for the plot or in general. ^_^
  5. MittyMittens

    Multiple Settings Plots inside

    Hello! I'm Mittens, I've been rping for over a decade now. I'm currently looking for a couple rps to keep me busy since it seems inevitable that activity waxes and wanes as you find people you're compatible with. I'm looking for someone preferably long term that even if the original rp...
  6. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Unbore Me (Plots within)

    Hello! I'm Mittens, I've been rping for over a decade now. I'm currently looking for a couple rps to keep me busy since it seems inevitable that activity waxes and wanes as you find people you're compatible with. I'm looking for someone preferably long term that even if the original rp...
  7. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Mutant Rp (The Mole)

    The Mole The RP has started but I'm still accepting CS.
  8. MittyMittens

    Unbore Me

    Hello! I'm looking for a couple more rps to keep me busy. I'll try to keep this simple since I'm pretty open-minded and don't have many restrictions. I'm not a very picky role player but there are things I don't like/won't do and I figured I'll put them out here first so I don't waste anyone's...
  9. MittyMittens

    Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))

    The world is not too keen on mutants, mostly due to government propaganda they're feared by the general public and are to be reported and taken into custody as soon as they're spotted. Few know what have happened to those who are captured, as most are never seen again. In reality the government...
  10. MittyMittens

    Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))

    Good luck to all of you and put your best effort into your character sheets! But, to break the ice go ahead and introduce yourselves! Name or how you would like to be called If you were stranded on an island what 3 things would you bring? Name one thing on your bucket list If you could...
  11. MittyMittens

    Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))

    I am only accepting a certain number of applicants, I don’t want this rp to be too large and I want quality players. Therefore I will set a deadline until May 21st Noon E.S.T. unless more time is needed. Once that deadline is reached; we (@Prizzy Kriyze and @Der Kojote will pick who will be...
  12. MittyMittens

    Fantasy The Mole (Mutant-esque RP (Round 3))

    See Overview
  13. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Mutant Rp

    @Prizzy Kriyze @Der Kojote ^^Co-moderators and what not This is a remake of a rp I had from a while back. The world is not too keen on mutants, mostly due to government propaganda they're feared by the general public and are to be reported and taken into custody as soon as they're...
  14. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Shapeshifter Redemption - Rules

    RULES Please be respectful of other rpers, no god-moding, mary-sues, power playing without permission etc... you should know the deal by now with this being a Detailed RP 3 paragraphs minimum as this is a detailed RP I will NOT tolerate one-lining. You get one warning I will accept...
  15. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Shapeshifter Redemption (Currrently Accepting)

    Shapeshifters and humans had co-existed for centuries, humans blissfully ignorant of shapeshifters existence up until the last 100 years or so. A shapeshifter was careless and broke the most sacred rules of their kind. They fell in love with a human. When their affair was discovered; the...
  16. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Shapeshifter Redemption (Currrently Accepting)

    Please read the rules Please follow ALL tabs, especially OOC I will not accept characters immediately. I will wait until a designated date (when I know the date I will make it known either here or OOC, probably both) and I will accept which characters I find will best suit this rp. You may...
  17. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Shapeshifter Redemption (Currrently Accepting)

    See overview, do not post here until the rp has started and I have posted the first post. Here's a Stitch gif to keep you entertained until we start.
  18. MittyMittens

    Fantasy For anyone interested in a werewolf rp

    Two packs stuck in a cabin together, forced together by the elders due to a soon to be pack merge. Merge (Reboot/Werewolf rp) | - Best Roleplay Forum
  19. MittyMittens

    Fantasy Merge (Reboot/Werewolf rp)

    (I'm not asking for extremely literate roleplayers (though I have absolutely no objection to them joining) but at least 6-8 lines at a minimum, just basically NO one liners. I know sometimes with dialogue it's hard to fulfill that, I'm lenient as long as you're trying and not being lazy) By...