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  1. MidwayLives

    Realistic or Modern A Gift Once Given Cannot Be Taken Back (1x1 with @Fuyou-Kay)

    ...Zeke inhaled...and slammed his hands on either side of the air beside him. It... seemed to crack? In a strange snowflake like pattern. "crrrrrack* "Uh, what the hell did he just do?" "I dunno, it looked like he just cracked the sky? Is that a thing that like we can do?" "I don't know, I...
  2. MidwayLives

    Realistic or Modern A Gift Once Given Cannot Be Taken Back (1x1 with @Fuyou-Kay)

    ...propaganda. Pulling out a cigar, he reached for a lighter only to have one of the two MGs that The Shade had spotted reach out to light it. *fwoosh* A white flame erupted from the tip of their outstretched finger and set the end of the cigar ablaze. "Coulda done it myself, Alice."...
  3. MidwayLives

    Realistic or Modern A Gift Once Given Cannot Be Taken Back (1x1 with @Fuyou-Kay)

    "The Gifted are Great, the Gifted are Good! Uncle Sam go Home! Uncle Sam no more!" It wasn't the catchiest chant in the world and if the United States government had any say in it, it'd NEVER catch on. Which is why exactly seven years ago to the day in Tucson, Arizona, a battalion of the US...
  4. MidwayLives


    ...Alear raised Liberation above her head and swung it down at the Stranger’s left shoulder with as much force behind the blow as she could muster. *CRASH* The force was enough to shatter the ground and send a resounding shockwave through the staircase splitting it open and sending debris...
  5. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    "Oh, you *******, you think you can just come over here and say that to us, you *****-" Tyrian caught himself and stopped before continuing on saying on whatever foul shit he'd just dropped. He wasn't ready to face Trifa or the White Fang in general and he just so did NOT have time for this...
  6. MidwayLives

    Realistic or Modern Return To Sender

    As this RP's been dead for a hot minute, I've decided to try and continue it as a story set in the same universe! Apologies to the remainder of my players who did/had expressed interest. But I feel just letting the story go would have been a waste!
  7. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    "Sun!" Tyrian wrestled his way out of his fellow faunus's embrace and landed on his feet, staggered though he was and one hand cupped over his injury. "What I should have said was DROP IT. This is gonna be hard enough on me." He wasn't sure HOW yet but he was going to get Cinder back for...
  8. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    "No. I got blasted through a wall by Roman taking a LOT of something he SHOULDN't have." The faunus hoped Roman would be okay. He'd left quite the trail of destruction in his wake. Tyrian snarled and nearly jumped out of Sun's arms at that point. "Her NAME is Trifa and she's NOT...
  9. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    "hi emerald." His aura had taken much more of a beating than he'd expected and it wasn't even due to the people he'd been fighting. Getting blasted through a wall, having superheated rubble fall on you and pin you down, then having to strip your weapons off before they scalded your skin...Not...
  10. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    Roman smiled. Was probably hard to tell but he hoped Mercury felt it at least. "Thank you, Mercury. I-" "WHOA!" It wasn't nearly as scary as the idea of dying AGAIN or being cooked alive by his own aura turning on him. Still, he couldn't help but let out a shrill shriek as he was yanked...
  11. MidwayLives

    Fandom Distorted Mirror

    Char & Blanche Hi! Wanted to take a stab at the fighting game idea now that Lex has gone and popularized it again! Also gives me a chance to try and show off how I'm trying to 'redo' Blanche. Didn't like that BOTH him and Char were faceclaims so decided to try and give Blanche a fresh...
  12. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    ...least of his concerns now. A small portal manifested in the palm of Roman's right hand and the nunchucks sorta just popped out. "Sorry. I think...*cough cough cough* I got so...joyed at what I could do...Finally having a semblance...'lame' as it was... *Cough cough cough* I just started...
  13. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED] allow him a chance to actually BREATHE and allow Mercury a chance to see his friend's sweat-soaked, terrified, and pale face. "...are they...*cough cough cough*....really gone.....? Did...I save us....?" He still made no sudden moves towards Mercury. Mercury was one of the people he...
  14. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    ...of said airship/helicopter/things, or more importantly, the people inside of them. Fun as an idea as it sounded in his head, Roman couldn't exactly *VWOOMP* every single bullet that fired out of Coco's gun. Would have looked absolutely killer if he did. But there just wasn't much he could do...
  15. MidwayLives

    Fantasy A Gift for the Bloody Dead ( MidwayLives! X ALetterForYou)

    ...sin! A monument to mankind's sins! Lay a finger on me and condemn yourself!" The gunman shrieked as Zeke looked down at him and leaned forward- *BANG* The gunman had worked up a nervous sweat but he'd done it. The second that freak took a inch towards him, he'd gotten a shot off at him...
  16. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    Tyrian huffed, puffed out his chest, even went as far as baring his teeth but he'd obey. Violence had it's place and while he would have been more than thrilled to unleash it here and now? Confident as he was in his own skills, he didn't really favor his odds in a 1vEveryone and their mothers...
  17. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    Tyrian exhaled and huffed, raising his shoulders up, and standing well...As close to 'shoulder-to-shoulder' as he could get given how big of a fella Hazel was. "Could have wrecked him, his team, all by my damn self." The faunus proclaimed, confidence just dripping off his words. Of course he...
  18. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    "What I MEANT to say before..." Roman gestured up to Cinder from where he was laying on the floor. "I think Fylnt is causing trouble. If a fight breaks out, who knows what kinda attention it could bring. I'm thinking we ought to get while the getting's good." Roman explained before lightly...
  19. MidwayLives

    Fandom Shattered Hourglass [IC] [CLOSED]

    "oh no, no, I'm fine. Just carry on." Not like he'd just gotten bowled over by a MINI MAIDEN but, sure sure! Fine!