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  1. Mistress Iris

    Dice Memoria OOC

    Hey everyone Rose messaged me and told me their computer has stopped working and they are trying to get it get it fixed.
  2. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    Aadra followed Marcus to the shop, but had decided not to go in. She didn't have much money. so she preferred to save it for the time being. She watched as a cloaked figured made their way to the weapons shop, and got out of the way to let them in. That's when she heard singing. It was nice to...
  3. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    When they finally hit the outpost, the little angel gave a huge sigh of relief. Not because of being tired, but more of the fact that she was bored. The sights had been nice, but she had been hoping to get into a tussle or five. Either way, she was at the outpost now, and she hoped to meet a few...
  4. Mistress Iris

    Dice Memoria OOC

    I'm still here, just haven't been on my computer too often since family is around. I'm glad this is still going. I'll get a post in.
  5. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    To say Aadra was awake was vastly incorrect. Sure she had sat up, eaten her morning meal, and packed her minimal items, but she was far from awake. She followed the group in what some would call a daze, lacking her usual defiant pout and spark that made her a force to be reckoned with. The girl...
  6. Mistress Iris

    Dice Memoria OOC

    I'm alive I swear! Holidays have been kicking my booty. I'll get a post in today. Sorry! >.<
  7. Mistress Iris

    Dice Memoria OOC

    Okaaaay so I may have been a little late with my response, but I'm kinda happy it turned out this way. @HEATS I am PST, but I don't have much of a schedule when it comes to sleep. I'm a caregiver so my hours are erratic. I also know little to nothing about the star wars franchise. I'm not very...
  8. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    When Aadravael reached the camp with the others, she eyed the woman with suspicion. Instead of jumping the gun, she waited in the outer rim of the site, listening. She didn't face the group, instead watching their surroundings. Aadra wasn't surprised to learn the woman was a tiefling, having met...
  9. Mistress Iris

    Dice Memoria OOC

    Hey guys sorry for not responding for so long. Been mega swamped with appointments and planning for the holidays. I'm too tired to read all of the posts right now, but you will be getting a response from me sometime today. Sorry again! :(
  10. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    Aadra gave a long whistle, noting how many enemies seemed to be forming out of seemingly thin air. "Gab it or drop it, I don't care. What I do care about it the half dozen set of eyes looking at us right now. Either get ready for a long fight, or we start moving now." With the said, the girl...
  11. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

  12. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    "That's it?" Aadra huffed, clearly disappointed. She stepped up to the rest of the group glancing at what the others had, but decided it was important to her. She looked past everyone, scanning the area for more threats, the feeling of danger unsettling her to no end. "Soooo do ya all have like...
  13. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    Aadra decided to hold off a bit and try and area to fire from, all the while keeping her eyes on the fight. She noted the creatures shadowy form, and how the attacks her companions didn't seem to hit right. In that instant a crazy idea hit her. The agile girl moved right up next to the heavily...
  14. Mistress Iris

    Dice Memoria OOC

    So in our current positions, I have to worry about hitting my allies. Can I move to the side where I have a clearer shot or is the area too narrow? @ValkyrieRose
  15. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    Aadravael didn't quite trust the elven woman. The fact that she had been the only one to see this creature made her uncomfortable, and she honestly didn't think it was safe to follow. After a moment of thought she decided continue forward, figuring it was her job to protect the humans in case of...
  16. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    Aadra looked to the man in armor, then to the one who had fallen. "Oooooooooh..." She said slowly. "Yeah that makes sense. You all look too 'out there' for this to be some elaborate plan." She added with a giggle. She holstered her crossbows onto her back, only to feel their weight disappear...
  17. Mistress Iris

    Memoria IC

    Aadravael groaned when she heard voices nearby. "Ten more minutes and I *promise* I'll wake up!" She complained while turning over to snuggle deeper into her bedroll. That's when she realized a few things: 1. She was not in her sleeping back. Instead of the soft furs, something hot and grainy...
  18. Mistress Iris

    Dice Memoria Characters

    ...that above all else I am a soldier for the heavens. I am to root out all the evils that plague the world. He also said not to let it consume me." *shrug* "I like helping out people, and it's fun hunting down demons. It like extreme hide and seek! Oh and traveling is fun! I guess being a demon...
  19. Mistress Iris

    DND 5e interest check/ sign ups

    Sounds interesting. Mark me down to join if there is still room. As to what i wanna play, not sure. I'll we what we have and try and find something that fits.
  20. Mistress Iris

    Newbie DM Looking For Players [Pathfinder]

    Hi there! My name is Iris, and I would love to join your campaign. I have never played pathfinder, but I have experiance with DnD 5e (just hit the 2 year mark). I am more than happy to play any type of character that is needed (pref not a tank). Please let me know if there is still room. I...