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  1. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Lady Elaina's Library (LORE)

    Record of Conviction: Vladimir Hochmut Sex: Male Offense: Negligence, Aiding and/or Abetting Soul Destruction Punishment: Stripped of Divine Favor; Soul-Bound to Sunning Stone (Nellie); 2 years Torment in the Abyss per Treatment received Duration: Life; Torment to begin in the Abyss in convict's...
  2. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Navigation Room (LORE)

    Record of Conviction: Nancy Noi Sex: Male Offense: Subversion and Defiance Punishment: Exile from the Deepest Deep Duration: Conditionally Specified Presiding Authority: Mariana, Goddess of the Deepest Deep Description: Tasked under Goddess Mariana's Daedric Empowerment, subject's sibling...
  3. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    Normally, it would be illegal to just kill someone outright for that, but: The offense is more that Nancy was utilizing it while having Holy Divine Favor, knowingly or not. Simply having it isn't the offense per se, because one could take it to be purified, or returning it to its original...
  4. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Are you tired of sipping Crab Coladas? (Pirate RP) (Always Open)

    Elaina Melora Leafy Bean Cafe The duo kept their conversation going, and Elaina could tell that Ves was finally relaxing and opening up. She was much more fun to mess with when she wasn't appearing before her emotionally hurt. Elaina was not one to kick someone while they're down, at least not...
  5. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    My next post sets up the timeskip to the Crew Shuffle and Departure. Do you have a reason to extend the scene for the current evening? @WayfaringWaaksian
  6. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    Easy. I'll let you know when I edit it
  7. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    No problem, I can make a few edits. Just tell me where and, if you have the idea, the gist of what you want me to edit it to @WayfaringWaaksian
  8. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    Perfectly fine with me
  9. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    I can edit the post if that's just too out of character. I mean, the main thing (Steven accepting the not on talking terms) is still gonna stand, so editing the post isn't gonna be a big deal @WayfaringWaaksian
  10. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    Ves isn't just out here trying to swab the deck, but she WOULD if Nancy's place on the ship were at stake. The only person who has a similar level of loss to Nancy would be Demi. Nancy lost both his home and the Goddess abandoned him essentially. Demi lost both her home and the crew she holds...
  11. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    It wasn't made clear which is why Steven took that route, BUT it does work. A giant fish dude working isn't something that can be kept secret. The only way for Nancy to be a recluse is through Elaina. I would say Steven is right which lean towards Nancy kind of addressing the point of him being...
  12. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Are you tired of sipping Crab Coladas? (Pirate RP) (Always Open)

    Steven the Deacon Commerce- Streets Huh? Rage? Is that what Nancy supposedly felt from him. "Nancy........What made you think that you were special enough to affect me to that extent?" Steven cocked his head in genuine confusion. "I chewed Jack's ear off about it many a time, but if you think...
  13. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    I'm working on the post. I agree. Steven ain't the one. Not this early on. Steven isn't gonna try to convince him or push him to the point of bullying thus Fergie's intervention. Jack's words pretty much prevented the conversation from getting that far. He'll part there after saying his peace...
  14. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    I'm gonna attempt to lock Steven behind a wall. Steven is too tough love of a person, which is fine but not for everyone. It probably isn't the choice for Nancy. Out of Ves and Steven, who both come on too strong for their own reasons, Jack is kind of the go to's to keep Nancy as much NANCY as...
  15. Kylesar1

    Fantasy The Conference Room (OOC)

    No problem. We can put it on ice, which will be at the end of the day there
  16. Kylesar1

    Fantasy The Guild of the Desperate (IC)

    Lattice Stoneburn Toron- Streets A growl meant that those words provoked their not yet visible assailant. Lattice smiled at Nancy's words. "I don't know, if a Fae sees you as wait staff, you must look like wait staff. I know because I'm part of her wait staff." Some nobles put flashiness over...
  17. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    It goes with the 8th Amendment: Cruel and Unusual punishment You don't need to be a lawyer to see that what happened with Nancy was overboard. There's no solid line for what qualifies as overboard so it's voted on by the Council if it becomes contentious. If Mariana was overcompensating, giving...
  18. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Are you tired of sipping Crab Coladas? (Pirate RP) (Always Open)

    Time: 2000 (8:00pm) As dusk settled in, and the Goddess disappeared back to her place in the Heavens, the hundreds upon hundreds of Locathah made their way back to the seas. They brought the city a second wave of record-shattering revenue to the city, cleaning out restaurants and sea-themed...
  19. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Mess Hall (OOC)

    That's how I do it. I like long term. I had one last 3 years right before this one. Novels aren't written in a day. That, and we have lives outside of this lmao. I got document's worth of lore to potentially add in. I just have to make sure I don't fuck up the LORE already established For...
  20. Kylesar1

    Fantasy Kraiven to Orivae: Rebuilding a Broken Kingdom

    Mariah the Watcher Aecor Athenium "The Goddess is angry!" Mariah suddenly said as the person in question approached the manor. Josephine shrieked and ran in fear. "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO OFFEND HER!!" she yelled as she hauled ass to the back of the manor. Man could that woman...