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  1. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    Thank you so much for the help!
  2. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    Revised rules I think they seem pretty good now?
  3. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    The second rule, I am slightly hesitant to make changes because it's not just about personality. Both my last partners wanted to make changes to my character's appearances(I'm a digital artist) and abilities. My second partner was extremely insistent on changing my character's abilities because...
  4. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    Thank you. To me the rules aren't overly harsh, they indicate that I want to communicate, I have boundaries and people can't just do what they want for the sake of it and it should be talked about. Both parties should be comfortable with what we are going to do. They aren't just for my future...
  5. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    I am hoping the rules will chase away people who think they can break them and bully me into something I don't want to do. I am dead beat tired of assholes. On the topic of common sense, that which is common sense to you does not mean it is common sense to another. I once had a teacher say...
  6. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    I left out the word reply/response because I felt it would help deviate the difference between post and postings. But yes it connects to 8
  7. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    1: Turn based post: This does not mean you can post whatever you want during your turn, it still needs to be discussed. For an idea to move forward it must be discussed between partners, both must be comfortable and both must agree. If a partner is uncomfortable with anything, the idea is to be...
  8. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    I had to add that part because my last partner kept throwing away characters when his need for ERP with them was shot down. I said he can still use them, but the original idea is out. He wanted to straight up start off with ERP for them, I really just wanna have fun, and not have some horny...
  9. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    So rule 3 and 4 are addressing different things 3 is specifically about characters, I am tired of people asking me to change my characters powers, breast and butt size. Make their outfits more lewd, add cat ears, etc. Make em a milf. Hearing all that is just annoying and I'm done with it...
  10. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    May I ask what part it is that you find controlling?
  11. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    This might sound odd, but do you think rules will actually scare away controlling partners? Or do I have a lot of wishful thinking?
  12. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    It is 1x1, The turn based rule, it just means if they want to do a different story that do it during their turn. My first partner had a lot of stories he wanted to do and would do back to back postings without ever allowing me a chance. I do like to work with people on their stories but never...
  13. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    With the post specific rules, turn based, it just means if they want to do a different story that do it during their turn. My first partner had a lot of stories he wanted to do and would do back to back postings without ever allowing me a chance. I almost forgot to add, I'm not asking they post...
  14. ButterflyBlueLady

    Advice/Help Are these good ground rules for rp?

    Hope I don't get in trouble for posting this, but here it goes. I am about to head to bed but wanted to post this so I can come back in the morning hopefully to advice. I don't have an rp partner but would like to be prepared. I strictly do rp in discord servers with partners, this is so that we...
  15. ButterflyBlueLady

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    This sort of falls under my own pet peeve of being heavily criticized because I rp a canon character different from my partner's personal view/headcanon My last two partners were way more into their own headcanons and I think that clouded their views on the characters, because of this I...
  16. ButterflyBlueLady

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    I really hope there isn't a limit to this but calling my character "a fucking airhead." because she made a boob window joke. (The character in question was a male who has a triangle cut out between his pecks) I like to throw in jokes or anything so the rp isn't CONSTANTLY serious, serious...
  17. ButterflyBlueLady

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    And another, damn I got a lot Characters not asking questions about one another because you yourself read the info and don't feel it's necessary to ask. Not using our characters to ask one another questions lessens the interactions, they just met, they should get to know one another, please...
  18. ButterflyBlueLady

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    And I've got another! Creating starter's or responses in general that your partner cannot reply to. Example: This happened a lot with my first partner, the worst incident in which I can remember was when we had discussed getting two characters together. We even discussed setting and how it...
  19. ButterflyBlueLady

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    Oh I almost forgot this one Wanting to restart EVERYTHING because you're not getting your way, and then going back to delete your responses in an active post to force your way. That's not only controlling as hell but super immature. Then blaming me when I drop you as a partner. No honey, you...
  20. ButterflyBlueLady

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    Taking turns in posting, you still need to communicate what you want. This also doesn't mean you can just do what you want, your partner must also be comfortable with it. Then trying to force a schedule on me and turning RP into nothing but a chore, it's fun and casual. Being treated like a...