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  1. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Community June 2024 Isekai Hell Community Event “A Day in the Life of” Submissions

    Bruno Gandolfi: Merchant of Ryke Link to Izuru Sheet MORNING His 3ft frame leaning over the side of his massive king sized bed. Bruno Gandolfi the Gnome Merchant listened to the reports of his dull eyed assistant Hortensia as his servants prepped his clothes for the day. As the head of the...
  2. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob @Maverick Six @Elias Wren @Uasal The moment Izuru head Marcos bark out orders to look for the final sigil that likely held the key to stopping this madness. His first instinct was to refuse since he didn't like people raising their voice to tell him things. He already...
  3. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active [Isekai Hell] A Monstrous Task

    Rios Mentions: @Develius @Spoiled Bread @Faynorae @Renny @1Lucker The entire time the group was discussing things with the Priest. Rios was certain the man of cloth was aware of his condition. Likely he was but moments away from revealing that Rios willingly ingested the goop in hopes of...
  4. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob @Elias Wren @Uasal @Maverick Six As he followed closely to Giuseppe in hopes that the old guy wouldn't outright abandon him once things got too dicey. Izuru tightened his grip on his cane. He could sense his powers had somehow increased since that last fight. Although...
  5. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob @Uasal @Maverick Six Izuru was able to survive the encounter without even getting bitten by the zombies which now littered the ground. There probably wasn't anything in the way of loot for him to take. His only hope was that Giuseppe would give them some kind of bonus...
  6. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob @Maverick Six Now Izuru could see the rotten faced undead guy trying to come at him with its mouth of mostly missing teeth wide open. The dragonkin knew that moving away from it wasn't much of an option given that there were plenty of them to take its place. He could...
  7. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active [Isekai Hell] A Monstrous Task

    Rios Mentions: @Develius @Spoiled Bread @Renny Rios felt his skull flare with pain the closer they got to the church. His senses blurring and dimming with each step. No doubt the goop in his system was telling him to stay away from this place, as it had some connection to the Goop Flood...
  8. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob @Uasal @Elias Wren @Maverick Six Izuru was actually quite amazed that such an interesting piece of magical information would just be left out like this. If he was able to gather the necessary supplies, he may be able to repurpose these at some point in the future...
  9. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob @Maverick Six @Uasal @Elias Wren Izuru was a bit disappointed when Giuseppe acted like Izuru was simply spitballing things when it was obvious the dragonkin was trying to point the old man in the right direction to spill the tea about the whole dark cultist thing...
  10. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active [Isekai Hell] A Monstrous Task

    Rios Mentions: @Develius @Spoiled Bread @Renny @1Lucker Rios looked at the remnants of the goo monsters that had been defeated by this ragtag group. None of them looked particularly appetizing at the moment. However consuming the slimy flesh of his opponent had left Rios with blackened veins...
  11. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maverick Six @Uasal @Maxxob Once the battle was concluded and the party had survived to tell the tale. Izuru let out a sigh of relief that they only had the REST of the spooky mansion to go. Truly they were still in the den of ghosts who seemed very eager to bite his face off...
  12. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob @Uasal Izuru was surprised to see his little demonstration of magic had actually done something. Although he wouldn't go as far as to call himself magically inept. It was obvious to all who witnessed his prowess that he wasn't becoming an archmage anytime soon. The...
  13. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active [Isekai Hell] A Monstrous Task

    Rios Mentions: @Develius @1Lucker Rios watched as the goop monster vanished into the pits of hell from whence it came. Unfortunately it didn't seem to leave anything resembling a corpse. No food for Rios to feast upon as a prize for his victory over the malicious slime creature. It did...
  14. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active [Isekai Hell] A Monstrous Task

    Rios Mentions: @Develius Rios Theme Song Rios almost threw up after that damn goo monster came into his mouth. His dismay turned to distress as seemingly the thing was part of a hivemind and began screwing with his brain. He saw visions of burned cityscapes, mass destruction, thousands dead and...
  15. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob @saxon A gift The sight of a mighty angry looking specter just made Izuru question if he'd even be able to do anything to this thing. However his payout depended on whether he could assist in the subjugation of this creature. Hence why he would endeavor to do at least...
  16. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob @Uasal @saxon Now Izuru was willing to follow Giuseppe to the spooky haunted manor, poverty and desperation can do that to a man. He did however have his doubts that things would be anything less than difficult. His own encounters with spirits had been sparse but he was...
  17. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Active A Hellish Inheritance

    Izuru Mentions: @Maxxob Izuru in no way shape or form felt bad for using appraisal magic on Giuseppe. Adventurers and Clients operated on trust. The job itself was already kinda screwy from the outset. Izuru couldn't really be blamed for doubting the old man merchant. Any judgmental that fell...
  18. Gaius Danius Griinia

    Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

    Izuru Mentions: @Moonberry "Nah... not you... I want something shinier" said Izuru while spurring Turters to look elsewhere with him. x10 Buddy Balls x1 Bait x1 Rhinox .Rhinox Vitality E > D x1 Turters (Storm Variant) .Turters Vitality F > E .Turters Speed F >E x1 Shadow Buddy Actions .Look...