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  1. Shadow Rose

    Other RP Ideas that never work out

    So for my idea it was a Fallout 4 themed one that *mostly* went the route of the story but there were a couple of key differences. My character was a female synth, a courser actually, who escaped and joined the Midwestern brotherhood (yeah yeah they're semi-canon at most but for the sake of the...
  2. Shadow Rose

    Experiences Which authors/books have influenced your roleplay writing style?

    Grew up reading Warrior Cats and Animorphs a lot and still listen (I do mostly audiobooks lately) at times
  3. Shadow Rose

    Other "Why won't anyone roleplay with me?"

    ...done it before. It takes two seconds and what am I going to do bite your head off through your screen? As long as you're not lying to me because I *have* caught people doing that too where they said something was going on and they wouldn't be able to rp anymore....and then I caught them...
  4. Shadow Rose

    Other What is the number one reason you stop replying to, or stop participating in roleplays?

    My god I feel all of this. I mean granted I've never been a GM but considering how often I've had others dip on me...I know it's just something that happens don't get me wrong but that's why I don't really look for people much anymore. I might say something if there's something that interests me...
  5. Shadow Rose

    Other What is the number one reason you stop replying to, or stop participating in roleplays?

    Quality and quantity drops. I like a damn good reply as much as the next person. Like anyone I want something that excites me especially being a bit of a bookworm that I am. Now I don't expect everyone to be a professional author (and even they make mistakes. Thats why they have editors lol) but...
  6. Shadow Rose

    Viewpoint What fandoms do you miss, or what are some you can't find partners for?

    On that note, Fallout. I've been able to find people. It's them not staying past like 3 or 4 replies before something irl happens or whatever that's the problem. It's actually gotten to the point where I'm starting to wonder if my ideas a crappy or something and it's made me think about giving...
  7. Shadow Rose

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    Lol same here. Usually wear contacts (sometimes glasses though) and it'd like "well maybe I'd be intereted...if I could see what you're looking for" 😂
  8. Shadow Rose

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    It's also absolute hell for those of us who already can't see without help of glasses or contacts or something
  9. Shadow Rose

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    Oh God same here. And they always end up being the best damn rps I've ever had when I find someone that stays 😅
  10. Shadow Rose

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    Oh God I hate when they make the font really tiny or it blends into the background. I have terrible vision. Not bad enough that I'm legally blind or anything but I do have an astigmatism that doesn't exactly help so I have to wear contacts/glasses most of the time like bro I already can't see...
  11. Shadow Rose

    Viewpoint What fandoms do you miss, or what are some you can't find partners for?

    Animorphs. Not like I have a ready plot or anything but oh my god if I found another sci fi nerd that was into it I'd be all over that shit. In fact I was such an animorphs nerd growing up that my very first oc had shape-shifting abilities for any world they were in. Didn't matter what the...
  12. Shadow Rose

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    Oh God that was og MySpace. Needless to say that was years ago. I'm really rusty and have been trying to get back into things but God I can tell I must be out of practice or it's really HAS been that long even though it doesn't feel like it sometime. I dont remember ghosting being such a problem...
  13. Shadow Rose

    Advice/Help What causes ghosting in roleplays and how to prevent it from happening?

    Unfortunately there's no real way to prevent it. Even partners I thought I was cool with have ghosted me or noped out. It's either get used to it or quit im afraid.
  14. Shadow Rose

    Experiences what's the most difficult fandom for you to find roleplay partners with?

    Surprisingly Fallout. I see it pop up for other people from time to time but I only find anything every few months and then it's getting then to last more then like a week lol
  15. Shadow Rose

    Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

    I wonder what would have happened if said character got split in half straight up and down. Are there now two of the same person?
  16. Shadow Rose

    Experiences Why do people ghost so easily on RPN?

    I've actually come across something of a pattern at least for me. The really good ones that I get along with and that write really well are usually the ones that will ghost (only a couple of time has someone deviated where they were an absolute jerk or a crappy written and those ones im not too...
  17. Shadow Rose

    Experiences Why do people ghost so easily on RPN?

    Yeah that sounds about right. It's the same here. Occasionally I might post something but it rarely goes anywhere and I get ghosted quite quickly when someone does reply.
  18. Shadow Rose

    Experiences Why do people ghost so easily on RPN?

    I cant speak for others but oh my god people ghosting on me has been a damn problem for me. I've basically given up on roleplay because its gotten so bad. Like wtf do you think im going to do hunt you down and hurt you over one of us just not feeling it? No what sane person does that. I know I...
  19. Shadow Rose

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    This exactly. I do have one character (in addition to a scenario) that I would absolutely love to use but when the chance comes up it usually dies very quickly. Its been in my head for years at this point and I'm quite certain the time will never come :(
  20. Shadow Rose

    Experiences What/Who is the single worst OC you've ever encountered?

    This rp never went far (the other person ghosted me pretty quickly) but their oc was just...angry. now I dont mind angry characters if they're done well enough but this one just didn't sit well with me. Kinda glad the person ghosted me shortly after. Its one of the few times I'm actually okay...