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  1. BugDozer73

    Futuristic The City Between Worlds // Characters

    <--------This is the page divider, feel free to delete Name: Vincent Morello Alias(es): Vinny, Big V Age: 31 Gender: Male Race: Tessellation Human Physical Description: 5'10, dark haired man with short/medium length wavy hair. medium scruffy beard, with some minor facial scars. Medium...
  2. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas nodded. He was feeling tired, and some rest would be good. He cleared his mind with practiced discipline, focusing entirely on the hunt tomorrow. They would be ready. He felt a ripple of anticipation wash over his muscles as he envisioned them standing before the beast and surging forward...
  3. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas sat back and watched her pour herself a cup, still rubbing some of the sleep out of her eyes. "It was good" He said with a smile blooming slowly on his face. "No bandits. Seems they took the hint after yesterday. Personally I think you scared them away. People aren't used to seeing a...
  4. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    "I'll take it" Sylas nodded. No reason to tell them he had taken a small accidental nap in the trees, and had probably a bit more energy than the rest of them. "I'll wake you for second, ok Bea?" The stars tonight were clear, dazzling and twinkling beyond the treetops. No clouds dared step in...
  5. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    "I am originally from Samu-Sett: we both are.. were." Kael said quickly, with pride. Sylas nodded, thinking about the golden city. It was beautiful, lavish and clean: The capital of the celeste coast, and home to the golden kind Thendus Celeste. No doubt whatever temple Kael hailed from in the...
  6. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas smiled, nodding as they spoke. He drew his own blade gently and pulled out his oil and cloth from his bag, and he dabbed some of the liquid onto the cloth. He moved it over the steel with familiar motions, cleaning and oiling it. "There will be more fights like that." He offered Kael...
  7. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas nodded as they took the wood, and he built with them. After Kael lit the fire, Sylas sat back against his pack, and stretched out his feet. He took off one boot, then the next, and let them rest by the flames as he warmed his feet. After the fire itself got going, both Peter and Gladys...
  8. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    The sun had plummeted, now falling slowly behind the tree line. Rays of golden light faded between the standing trunks, lighting up the moss and bark around their fringes. The sound of wind through the treetops mixed with the dull roar of the nearby creek. The land itself sloped down quickly to...
  9. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas grumbled quietly, not thrilled at all at the idea of sharing his horse. Arthur, strong as he was, wasn't thrilled at the additional weight either, but they got along anyhow. They spoke as they road, though Sylas remained mostly silent. Kael had conversations with the halflings, and then...
  10. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas cursed under his breath. He should have known better than to trust Bea to let him down easy. She's a lover, and a kind heart, of course she would take him in. Maybe she was right though. If he can fight, and he can heal... not to mention, Sylas had considered starting a guild. They would...
  11. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas pushed his feelings away as she stepped over, and focused on the sensation of her squeeze on his arm. She thought he was enough. He was enough for her. That was enough.. for now. "Thanks Bea. I'm glad you got everyone out safe." Before he could begin discussing getting back on track, Kael...
  12. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas turned his head at Bea's voice, and waived her over. She rode up with the familiar friends they had met the previous day, but before he could say how glad he was to see them both unharmed, Bea explained the situation. Sylas focused on the child, which had gone pale slightly. Its breathing...
  13. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    "No" Sylas dismissed her quickly, not wanting to pull her away from taking care of the Halflings. "I'll take care of it, and maybe Kael here can watch my back?" He looked down at the wood elf, who returned the look with a bit of surprise on his face. "Me? Oh, yeah sure." He offered a smile that...
  14. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas worked hard to control himself in every situation. A man is only as good as he holds himself in front of others, Alfonzo would always say on their late night walks around the ship. When Sylas really felt anger he would try hard to blow it off in training, away from peoples eyes. He tried...
  15. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas watched Rolands face change quickly as Bea rushed in. He could feel her seething as he spoke, and wasn't much surprised when she lashed out. The worst part of it all was neither of them were truly wrong. The halflings were innocents, as were many people who walked the roads, but many...
  16. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas nodded in approval as the young elf healed himself. "You're a cleric" He said with surprise and appreciation. The elf nodded, but his form was meek, and he seemed to almost curl in on himself while he spoke, not making eye contact with Sylas and messing with the bottom of his tunic. "Yeah...
  17. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Two down, three to go. Sylas thought, focused on the woman in front of him, now down an ax. She held it up in front of her defensively as he approached, but he could see fear in her eyes. She had no death wish, and was not as aggressive as the man Skint had been. He felt a tinge of remorse, but...
  18. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Sylas heard the resonant echo of spells being formed, and the general confusion of the people, turning into a whir of commotion for general combat, but his eyes stayed fixed on the man with the ax, charging at him and grinning. The man closed the distance fast, and Sylas watched as his body...
  19. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    As they spoke, Sylas watched as a familiar fairy floated up into the sky, and stretched her arms outward and cast a purple spray of dust, which shot forward and clung to Roland's form. He looked down and around in shock, then backwards. "What the... WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" He yelled loudly, drawing...
  20. BugDozer73

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    When Bea fluttered up to his face and their eyes met, time slowed down for a moment, and everything outside of her lavender eyes waited for them. She drew some hair from in front of his eyes with a caring hand and a pleading expression: Be safe. He nodded, breaking free of the moments spell, and...