Search results for query: *

  1. Skylord Nexus

    Fantasy Republic of Desperadoes (Game lit / Colony building)

    Being the first there Herta had the advantage of getting a good look at all of her new test subjects... or 'team mates' she supposed. Apparently being called test subjects seemed to make people feel uncomfortable, she had no idea why though, logically it should be an honour to help a genius such...
  2. Skylord Nexus

    Fantasy Republic of Desperadoes (Game lit / Colony building)

    As the boat came to a halt Silas straightened up slightly from his current position leaning against one of the walls. He'd been on edge for days... weeks? In all honestly he wasn't sure any more the days seems to melt together in a maelstrom of tedium and horrible hygiene. On that subject...
  3. Skylord Nexus

    Fantasy Dark Arcanum

    Silas took a second to look down an the world below, everything looked so small and insignificant from up here. He imagined that if there were people at the base of the vats mountain range they'd look like ants... well, more so than they did normally. Regardless, the view was spectacular and it...
  4. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow began rubbing his temples in frustration at the horrendous way things were going "Now I know how your dad must have felt when I shouted at him, christ." Never in his life had the villain imagined him being the voice of reason, and yet it seemed as if fate was a bitch "Ok Alex, perhaps it's...
  5. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow just stood there, stunned, as he watched Mike stab Alex "Well that escalated quickly." The villain that trudged over to Mike as the others were holding him back, grabbing him with his robotic arm and began lifting him away from Alex "Ok you Square Enix looking shit, why don't you chill the...
  6. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow lazily nodded as Mike spoke "Indeed, a totally normal and innocent name which is in no way innuendo." though the villain did snigger a bit when Mike mentioned how he saved Alex "Sorry, I just enjoy the irony of being hurt by an ambulance. It's kind of fucked up really, but at least he would...
  7. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow instinctively recoiled at Laura "Good god! Is every one I meet just a murderous psychopath or is this just a really horrifying coincidence?" Though this was fine, there was only two of them, and both seemed to be mostly melee focused so he could just keep his distance. Honestly, he was glad...
  8. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow stood there in silent contemplation for what felt like ten days "You know, I miss the good old days when I was able to fly into town, cause some chaos and leave with a few bumps and bruises. Not that now is inherently worse, but it's certainly more complicated when we both definitely...
  9. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow moved over to the balcony and looked at the city below "Thanks for the offer, but I have to say no. THIS is what I'm meant to do, it's what my family has done for generations, and out of all my siblings, my father chose me to succeed him. In truth, I have no idea why, most of my other...
  10. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow thought back to the less than pleasant day and nodded "Guess that makes sense, though I guess I can ask whether that was really necessary now? You could have just beat the crap out of me." He then began laughing "You know it's quite funny in a way. If you hadn't let me go I wouldn't have...
  11. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow nodded in agreement to Bigg Bos' statement "To be fair, he has a good point, a lot of people will probably die and none of use a going to massively care." Well, he supposed they might morn for a few minutes, but the next day everything would probably be back to normal like nothing happened...
  12. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow also decided to act cocky, he'd flew his airship into a building before, it wouldn't end well for them unless they were far more insane than he thought. "Yeah! Try it, you emo shit lords!" The villain even remained confident at first when the carrier began heading for them "Ptt, don't...
  13. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow looked up to the sky, his mouth slight agape, that was way nicer than the Sovereign, and he simultaneously loved and hated it like a family and marmite. "Ok, so that's either help for us, in which case, good, I want that ship. Alternatively, it belongs to SOCOM in which case, shit we're all...
  14. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    They certainly were an interesting bunch, nice style though, anything purple was good. For a minute Crow didn't say anything, expecting Litchi to do the talking since she knew something about these people... Ok, apparently it was his job, what was this? some kind of RP between two people where...
  15. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow let out an exasperated sigh while throwing his hands in the air like the annoying child he mentally was "Fine! But if he comes to beat the crap out of me I swear to evil god that I'll switch sides.. ok, that probably won't work, but you get what I mean!" The villain then trudged off back to...
  16. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow shook his head in mock disappointment "Truely, does Max's evil know no bounds?" He then listened to Alex's plan and looked at him incredulously "I mean what we have here is an incredibly handsome and smart supervillain, a kung-fu Asian secretary, a yacht captain, and an ex-CEO who also...
  17. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow dragged his way out onto the beach, laughing like an insane man. One of his plans worked! Success tasted so so sweet, he felt like he could take on the world! He then turned to Alex and shrugged "Well if we're on this topic, your dad owes me a new airship but you don't see me going to him...
  18. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Ok, this was all super insane, like so insane it made Max look like he didn't need to get laid, yeah, that insane. Neither the less, he needed a plan to get them out of this, for his sake in the future obviously not for Alex who totally wasn't his friend of anything, and then it struck him, old...
  19. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow listened to the may spin his web, wondering to himself whether this commander guy genuinely thought he was that stupid "Hmm, an interesting point, however, I have a few counter-arguments. firstly, my empire isn't gone it was just an airship I didn't really lose much. Secondly, while it was...
  20. Skylord Nexus

    Futuristic Paradise City Chronicles

    Crow stopped himself mid punch as the bullets came flying in and backed off a bit, looking to the source of the shout. They certainly liked to make an impactful entrance, that's for sure. He was certainly shocked by this man's talk of diplomacy, not unwelcome, but the blond had definitely been...