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  1. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    ...Climbing further upwards and towards the back. Until he was out of the sun and in the shadows. Beneath large wooden branches and dark green leafy canopy. He placed his hand in a secret spot as a piece of bark rolled up and left an opening. He awaited her there at the entrance* @AEONmeteorite
  2. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    Arryn chuckled “sure, if that’s what you want to call it. We just need to get out of the middle of the street.” He said in a low voice as he pulled her close. Looking down at her “don’t weigh me down. And watch your footing.” He said to her, a mysterious smirk on her lips as he took off pulling...
  3. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    Serum chuckled at her mention of sneaking in. “Anyone trying to sneak in would be swallowed up, stuck on a spit then tossed out into the woods.” He responded chuckling then finishing his conversation. When the man nodded and turned to open another door on the inner wall of the city. He smiled...
  4. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    Aeryn watches her curiously. "Just a little sleep? Is that how light demons heal then?" He asks her as he begins moving once more toward the Ellswyr gates "Thank you for saving that pup. I owe you for that." He says as he moves ahead of her. It takes them almost two hours to reach the city...
  5. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    Aeryn watched her curiously. He knew pain, and stretches, and the nuances of relieving pain. So he could see what she was doing, rolling her shoulder. He put a hand out for Kira. “What’s wrong? He asked Rosen turning his attention to her. Kira nuzzled his hand and he watched her waiting for an...
  6. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    "We'll see what we can find. I know a few enchanters and artificers that owe me favors." He offered as they walked. " You can call it cowardice if you want. But why do the heavy work when you can pay someone else? That's how most nobles think. don't know. Not long though. He expects immediate...
  7. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    He nodded “you need something to refract and reflect light. Almost amplifying the amount of light that passes through?” He said aloud along with his thoughts. “That’s impressive, but makes sense considering you use light, probably are mostly light.” He said with a shrug. “Magic blades in the...
  8. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    He nodded "Aeryn, that's my name. Given to me by my parents before they were taken from me. We fae take our names very seriously, There is much power in them." He explained as he walked a little more before continuing. "Prep work...Only an idiot goes on assignment unprepared." He stated...
  9. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    Aeryn bristled at the question. He stopped himself from snarling, or showing to much of an aggressive reaction. He turned back to face her, looking into her eyes curiously. Wondering at the reasoning behind her question. He didn't detect anything malicious in her eyes, let alone her voice...
  10. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    Aeryn shook with rage. "He isn't your problem. He's mine." He muttered as he stood. "Do what you want, I don't care anymore. But he's mine, his head, his heart, his fingers." He was walking away now, he past her and began making his way into the forest. He paused "I won't stop you if you wanna...
  11. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    The howls filled the air in a long wail of despair and sorrow. Kira's howl suddenly stopped when he heard Rosen's voice and immediately took a step towards her growling. Very defensive as it placed itself between Aeryn and her. A snarl on his face and a growl building in it's throat. Aeryn...
  12. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    “My colors have always been the same you sleazy rag.” Aeryn hissed at him as he watched him disappear into the bushes. The leaves shook and Rio grunted as he attempted to get away. Shade dropped down, past the ground and into the shadows. He came up seconds later in front of Rio as the man let...
  13. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    Aeryn leapt once more, leaving the bloody mess on the floor. Rio shook the pup again, bringing him up short. Kira ran behind him, attacking a man who had tossed a small globe into the air. The man yelled in surprise as he disappeared into the underbrush. His screams cut short by a sick wet...
  14. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    "Your light is fading..." Everything around him seemed to be crumbling down systematically. His heart had jumped into his throat as Kira lunged at what he knew to be a magical projection. His skin prickled all over, in cold dread. "No, no, no, no...This can't be happening. This isn't happening."...
  15. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    Another whine and a sharp bark of pain. Aeryn snapped back from his despair. "Leave them alone!!! I didn't betray anyone!!!" He yelled, Kira didn't bother with threats or false motions. His eyes were trained on the dark figure, and the sound of pain coming from his pack triggered an animosity in...
  16. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    "Silence!! Animal." The voice practically hissed at Rosen. "Rio, the package." Rio was busy laughing. "Killed me? Girl you wish you could even come close to killin me!!" Rio boasted, his bravado faltered only slightly as he remembered how close he came to being erased. He shook it off almost...
  17. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    "Yeah a reason." He started saying as he looked to her. Suddenly a few sharp barks, branches snapping and several whines. Kira snarled, a savage growl escaping his throat. He turned first to Rosen eyeing her suspiciously, Then he looked around into the shrubbery. The runes on his fur glowed...
  18. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    His hands still wrestling one of the wolf pups, the other gnawing at his leg as he sat there. He looked up to her. "You couldn't take my light Lil Rosen. You tried to capture me and it didn't turn out well." He chuckled a little at the thought. "It's, they, they're my reason. My why. The reason...
  19. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    The great fey wolf quickly turned it's attention from Aeryn, shifting into a predatory stance. It's shoulders hunched and back arched with it's hair on end and fangs bared. He began growling once more, stalking around Rosen. Assessing her, smelling the air around her, still sneering. "It's...
  20. andujarprime

    Fantasy Magical Assassins

    He sighed thoughtfully. "I don't know you, much if at all. The only despicable thing I could say about you is your complete disregard for life. Well, nature in general. Otherwise I don't know you. My actions towards you aren't based on hate or any feeling in general. Not negative ones anyway...