Search results for query: *

  1. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    The blush that darkened Finn’s face was a deep strawberry. He knew he’d messed up the moment Cedric had burst into uncontrollable laughter, and yet his face kept getting pinker and pinker. “S-sorry,” he stammered to Percy, uncertain what honorific to use now that ‘lord’ was scratched off the...
  2. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    Percy took him seriously. If they were playing a prank on him, it was a long and elaborate one. One that seemed like it must be exhausting—but the only thing Percy seemed exhausted by was the Luminous Chancellor’s many disgusted interruptions. “Oh,” said Finn rather stupidly. “Thank you.” He...
  3. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    The chancellor certainly seemed eager to try some of the oysters himself. He practically threw himself at the plate, no hint of uncertainty in his motions. His fingers didn’t hesitate over the shells, his eyes didn’t dart over to Finn. That made Finn feel a little better. Percy’s explanation...
  4. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    A cold feeling slipped into his stomach, dampening his hunger. This was what Finn had expected from a high elf such as Cedric. This exactly. Manipulation. Cedric and Percy may have been friends, but Cedric was using his charms, his influence, to manipulate his friend into joining them...
  5. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    As covertly as possible, Finn checked the chair Cedric pulled out to make sure all the legs were sound. “Thank you,” he muttered again, gingerly sitting on the chair before awkwardly scooting in. Finn folded his nervous hands in his lap as he waited. He felt like he was in a dream–a good dream...
  6. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    Finn blushed at Cedric’s laughter. He…had thought it was odd they were taking time to walk through the streets. But Cedric’s explanation made sense, in a vapid, shallow sort of way. The more confusing part about it was Cedric’s familiarity with him. He leaned close, whispered secrets to him...
  7. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    Things were beginning to make more sense. The Luminous Chancellor Cedric Beauchamp hadn’t volunteered for the job because he was passionate about the matter, like Finn had. He didn’t want to help his people, or ease the suffering of animals, or heal the dying plants. He had volunteered because...
  8. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    Finn couldn’t imagine such a thing--having so many people waiting on him hand and foot like this, so that anything he wanted done would be done so…quickly. Finn had been preparing for his journey for months. Not to mention the endless weeks of discussion between elders and leaders alike, not...
  9. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    Finn grabbed his cloak from a servant and hastened to follow the Chancellor. They were of the same height, which was unusual for a wood elf and high elf. Typically, high elves were taller, much taller, but Finnarion Swift came from a tall, robust family. He had always loved that his father was...
  10. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    Finn gaped. By sunrise? How much power did this one man hold if they could get together a traveling party and supplies by tomorrow morning? He snapped his jaw shut with an audible clack. Then the Chancellor grinned at him. It was a handsome, seemingly genuine grin. Disarming. Brow furrowed...
  11. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    A cook? The Chancellor was suggesting they bring along a cook? Finn blinked away his shock, wondering why he’d even been surprised in the first place. Of course a high elf would want to bring along a chef to make their four-course meals during a dangerous mission such as this. No doubt the...
  12. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    The Chancellor was at least good at giving him useless responses. So far, Finn hadn’t noticed any high elves with interest in helping. Most of them only cared when something was affecting them…which was why Finn thought now would be a good time to broach the subject. It wasn’t affecting them...
  13. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    The Luminous Chancellor was the most beautiful man Finn had ever met. He also seemed, at first glance, the most dimwitted. The Chancellor was blonde, with striking blue eyes, a perfect nose, and a well-shaped mouth that hung open like that of a landed fish when he saw Finn. Was he really that...
  14. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    “He’s not usually this late.” The temporary representative for the Arcane Council, an anxious young woman, said from across the polished mahogany table. Finn nodded. “I’m sure.” Half an hour he had sat here at this table, mostly staring at his reflection in its mirror-shine surface. For the...
  15. elusivethought

    Fantasy Call of the Wyld (with tiffybone92)

    Finnarion Swift preferred the simple things in life. A hearty meal of fish, grain, and berries for dinner. A warm bedroll by the fire. A canopy of stars above him. These things gave him joy, true joy, in a way that other things couldn't. Fresh air, a babbling brook, warm sunshine. It was heaven...
  16. elusivethought


  17. elusivethought

    Viewpoint Do you read RPs for fun?

    I did once. I followed one on here wayyy back when. <.< It was so, so good. I was riveted. Stellar writing, stellar characters, stellar setting. But I haven't been able to find it since. I think it had even died back then, or at least slowed down. I am not sure if they knew I was lurking LOL...
  18. elusivethought

    Viewpoint Doubling, what is it & why do people like it?

    I've doubled before. 3 times with same partner, actually. We planned the pairings, of course, but it was less 'I'll play this character if you'll play this one for me' and more my partner often brainstormed two companion characters (most of which had incredibly interesting backstories together...
  19. elusivethought

    Experiences Why do people ghost so easily on RPN?

    I've been roleplaying for 15 years. I'm ghost-friendly. I tell people they can ghost anytime. No explanation required, radio silence welcome. Visit again in a year if you like, drop on by, say hello. I'm in the minority. But over the years, I began to consider these things: 1. Time commitments...