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  1. High5ives

    Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (RP)

    Kanen King Kanen was acutely aware of Orion practically melting into the palm of his hands. "Well aren't you sweet." Kanen replied cooly to Orion's compliments. As the two walked, Kanen not-so-subtly checked out other students among the throng of Slytherins, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and...
  2. High5ives

    Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (RP)

    Kanen King Kanen had been meandering from one little shop to the next, not really looking for anything in particular, but just browsing for browsing's sake. Aside from snacks, he rarely bought things from Hogsmeade though. Most of his possessions sent directly to him by his family, who claimed...
  3. High5ives

    Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (RP)

    ...drop it. "No son of mine." The floor collapsed out from under Kanen and he fell into inky nothingness, black tendrils of shadow embracing him. *_*_*_* Kanen snapped awake, shooting up in his bed and clutching his chest. He gasped for breath, eyes wide with panic and quickly darting around...
  4. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern Blood Feuds --
    Index: the dog

    THE DOG Jamison was a simple man, but he did enjoy his fancy clothes and accessories. When he had money, that’s where it tended to go. That and alcohol anyways. That said, Jamie hated the simple clothes he had been told to wear for this job. Sure, they were clean and ironed out, so Jamie at...
  5. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐮𝐝𝐬 ; OOC

    I am sincerely jealous of how pretty all of your guys’ character sheets look. Code is hard, my brain can’t lol
  6. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐮𝐝𝐬 ; OOC

    Ok lol, I am just glad I'm not just an idiot haha
  7. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐮𝐝𝐬 ; OOC

    Am I dumb and just don't know how to work y'all's CS code, or are your CS's just not quite finished. (Just asking because I have 100% not realized there were places to click on CS sheets. Code is hard lol)
  8. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐅𝐞𝐮𝐝𝐬 ; character sheets

    (WIP) Name: Jamison "Jamie" Moore Fake Name: Mac "The Mad Dog" Matthausen D.O.B: Oct. 1st, 1861 Age: 29 (or 30, depending on when in the year this will be starting.) Gender/Orientation: Straight Male Role: 'The Dog' Face Claim: Tom Hardy, from Peaky Blinders Personality: Jamie is a coin...
  9. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern We All Break Sometimes (Main)

    Tuck Swords clashed with one another, echoing in the cold winter air. Each strike rang, one after another, forming a symphony of sharp and rigid clangs and clatters. The wind swirled around the two swordsmen, battling atop a twisting spire that challenged God in the way that it rose above the...
  10. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern We All Break Sometimes | Character Sheet

    (Code is Evil and I refuse to accept otherwise. Also, properly formatting is for nerds.) Tucker 'Tuck' Vance 18 [SPOILER="History[/SIZE] From the day Tucker could walk his parents have been cramming information into his head like knowledge was food and they were in the middle of a famine...
  11. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern Family Ties: 1980s Gangs - IC (Ended)

    Ozzy As Spencer explained the situation, Oz just soaked the information in. He’d done his best to distance himself from London’s underbelly, and as a result of that, he was often out of the loop. He knew who the Sullivan’s, vaguely, but he had no idea what kind of influence the family had...
  12. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern Family Ties: 1980s Gangs - IC (Ended)

    Ozzy Oz had become a regular at The Royal Taphouse, especially after the bartenders had learned of his familial relations and had stopped charging his tab. Besides that, it was nice to be a regular somewhere. It gave Oz some sense of routine and normalcy, and generally speaking, the pub was...
  13. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern Family Ties: 1980s Gangs - IC (Ended)

    Ozzy walked slowly, slower than normal, through the crowded corridors of the cemetery. His head hung low, with his hair tied back and his beard neatly combed. He was wearing the nicest clothes he owned, an old suit that was fading with time and a tie so ugly that it never should have been worn...
  14. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern Family Ties: 1980s Gangs - IC (Ended)

    Oswald “Ozzy” Taylor “Taylor! Keep those fuckers pinned down! Alvin, Smith, down the side alley!” Ozzy shouldered his rifle, peering around the corner of the brick home he was hiding behind. What had started as a small street skirmish had quickly turned into an all out firefight, and now his...
  15. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern The Kids Aren't Alright | Main

    Jamie Hamilton In the eyes of a teenage boy, there are only three things that are important. Girls, money, and popularity. In that order. Strangely enough, Jamie felt like he was losing all three, all at once. Moving is hard, especially after living in the same place all your life. Harder still...
  16. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern Silver Oak Academy: Season 1

    Eli scoffed. If he wanted tickets to some game, he could buy them himself. Besides, Attila? What kind of name was that? Who would want to name their kid after some barbaric warlord? Hell, maybe Eli should name his kid Adolph! Why not? Since there were apparently no rules anymore! Furthermore...
  17. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern Silver Oak Academy: Season 1

    The outside air was refreshing at least, much better than being cooped up in his room. Breathing in felt like he was opening up his chest. Inflating his mood. Maybe there was some truth behind the whole ‘Fake it ‘till you make it’ mentality. Because now, walking around with his confident smirk...
  18. High5ives

    Realistic or Modern Silver Oak Academy: Season 1

    God what was that smell?! Silver Oak's shining prince looked looked more like the Duke of the Downtown Homeless. He could hardly be mistaken for the heir of billions, not with his hair knotted and matted with three day old pizza sauce. He was laying face down in pizza box, though the pizza...