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  1. Patriot

    Story Lumiose Blues - the Catacombs

    ...for joining us," the gangster said sarcastically to the lagging dark-type, though she simply turned her nose up at him as they pressed forward. *** "Br-r-r-r," Monty shivered as the team navigated through the second level, and Abné snuggled closer to his neck from her shoulder-perch. There...
  2. Patriot

    Story Lumiose Blues - the Catacombs

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 20, 7:30 PM — Lumiose City, Kalos The yellow teeth. The swarmings rats. The screeching, Xerneas, the SCREECHING! Monty shook his head and stood up, startling the Eevee the was sleeping on his shoulder and earning himself a swift nip on the ear. "AH! FILS...
  3. Patriot

    Story Lumiose Blues - the Catacombs

    CODE BY SEROBLISS — ART BY @Fluff QUEEN ORACLE THE HONORED ONELow Sun of the Seventh Half Moon — Beneath Monty's Territory Even in the face of dozens of swarming rodents, with the only thing separating her from them being the thin barrier which her subordinate somehow managed to conjure up...
  4. Patriot

    Story Lumiose Blues - the Catacombs

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 20, 6:48 PM — Lumiose City, Kalos Monty CRUNCHED! through the last of the Spinarak shells and the tunnel turned back into what he preferred — empty and without any creepy shit all over the floor. He didn't feel any less on edge, though, and his team...
  5. Patriot

    Fandom Pokesync

    Designed and coded by @Nano. Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work. Asking for permission before use is very much appreciated! . . // accents // NUATSIKI TENKIWARA JOURNEY'S STARTDate: July 8th - Bronze League Location: Lilypad Town, Sinnoh...
  6. Patriot

    Fandom Pokesync

    Designed and coded by @Nano. Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work. Asking for permission before use is very much appreciated! . . // accents // NUATSIKI TENKIWARA JOURNEY'S STARTDate: July 8th - Bronze League Location: Lilypad Town, Sinnoh...
  7. Patriot

    Story Lumiose Blues - the Catacombs

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 20, 6:43 PM — Lumiose City, Kalos FWOO-FWOO-FWOOSH! "SQUEA-SQUEA-SQUEAK!" "Keep 'em running, another <<Ember>>." Flashlight and flame alike lit up the cramped stone corridor, and Monty squinted to watch the third group of Rattata they'd encountered...
  8. Patriot

    Fandom Pokesync

    Designed and coded by @Nano. Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work. Asking for permission before use is very much appreciated! . . // accents // NUATSIKI TENKIWARA JOURNEY'S STARTDate: July 8th - Bronze League Location: Lilypad Town, Sinnoh...
  9. Patriot

    Fandom Pokesync

    ...go this way, no this way, no that way' game — what a pain in the ass! — until Nua simply brushed past her and beelined for the nearest stall. *** CREAK—FWISHSHSHSHSHSH... Shit, that battle took more out of her than she thought. Nua examined her face while she washed her hands — runny...
  10. Patriot

    Fandom Pokémon: Kalos (Roleplay Thread)

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 14th — Lumiose City, Kalos Finally, someone who knew how to get things done! While useless Monty did useless Monty things, Lily produced Oracle's treasure! She motioned for the useful feline to slide the treasure over her horn, and as soon as it was in...
  11. Patriot

    Fandom Pokémon: Kalos (Roleplay Thread)

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 14th — Lumiose City, Kalos Oracle's red eyes turned venomous when Lily bumped her, but they just as quickly became infatuated with the lovely treasures on display. Between their visit to the spa some time ago and the feline's clear eye for all thing shiny...
  12. Patriot

    Fandom Pokémon: Kalos (Roleplay Thread)

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 14th — Lumiose City, Kalos If there was one thing Monty needed after the past couple days, it was a distraction. Hour after hour of pouring over maps, drawing up strategies, planning routes — if he saw a notebook and pencil he might scream. Lucky him...
  13. Patriot

    Fandom Pokémon: Kalos (Roleplay Thread)

    ...Oracle side-eyeing him as they walked, and he rolled his eyes and cracked a grin. "Sorry, madame, but your spa visit's gonna have to wait a bit." *** Like, idk, an hour later *** Estival Avenue was as busy as ever — flooding tourists, hawking street vendors, and honking cars came...
  14. Patriot

    Fandom Pokesync

    Designed and coded by @Nano. Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work. Asking for permission before use is very much appreciated! . . // accents // NUATSIKI TENKIWARA JOURNEY'S STARTDate: July 8th - Bronze League Location: Lilypad Town, Sinnoh...
  15. Patriot

    Fandom Pokémon: Kalos (Roleplay Thread)

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 12 — Lumiose City, Kalos Monty and Oracle walked side-by-side next to their travel companion, boots and paws hitting Lumiose's familiar brick road with some pep in their step. The cacophony of voices, the smell of cigarettes and hint of piss on the...
  16. Patriot

    Story Lumiose Blues - the Catacombs

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 20, 5:43 PM — Lumiose City, Kalos There were plenty of ways to get into places you weren't supposed to be. Some were protected by layers upon layers of security — locked doors, chained gates, motion sensors, the works. Others had guards, Pokémon, or...
  17. Patriot

    Fandom Pokémon: Kalos (Roleplay Thread)

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 8 — Ambrette Town, Kalos From the moment the ragtag group stepped foot in Le Temple, something started bugging Monty in the farthest corners of his mind. He'd never been to a karaoke bar before, and truthfully couldn't say where you could even find one in...
  18. Patriot

    Fandom Pokémon: Kalos (Roleplay Thread)

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 8 — Ambrette Town, Kalos Ernest Glacier, eh? Monty's fingers flew, the address was copied, and him and his team started the few-minute long journey to rejoin their companions. After the past few days they had the walk was thankfully short, and the trainer...
  19. Patriot

    Fandom Pokémon: Kalos (Roleplay Thread)

    CODE BY SEROBLISSMONTAGNE KHASTILJuly 8 — Ambrette Town, Kalos "Tch." Monty's eyes slinked left-to-right, looking for the source of a sudden annoyed feeling, but all he saw were the same unassuming people walking up and down the waterfront as usual. Was someone talking shit somewhere...
  20. Patriot

    Fandom Pokesync

    Designed and coded by @Nano. Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work. Asking for permission before use is very much appreciated! . . // accents // NUATSIKI TENKIWARA JOURNEY'S STARTDate: July 8th - Bronze League Location: Lilypad Town, Sinnoh...