Search results for query: *

  1. Nijoloblob

    Senice City

    "Earth?" Mikal asked, puzzled. He was alive for the evacuation of their homeworld, he was sure of it. But although he knew what life there was like, it was as if he had only ever gained his memories from watching a film or staring at a postcard. Odd, he thought to himself, but the thought was...
  2. Nijoloblob

    Senice City

    Mikal slapped away the dagger with the back of his hand. Even as it skittered across the dirty grey stones under their feet he had clapped a hand over her mouth and pushed her roughly against the wall. He glanced back to the street, checking that nobody had seen the two. "How did you survive...
  3. Nijoloblob

    Senice City

    Mikal strode down the street, head down and unaware of the people that he brushed past. Images of the friends and memories he had likely transformed into a traceless burnt shell of a house swam before his eyes, and he scrunched up his eyes for a second in the hopes that he could dismiss them via...
  4. Nijoloblob

    Senice City

    ...on the dancing light, watching white skin blister and shrink. She looked back to Mikal. "So? What do you say? Will you catch Arkeonen for us?" _*-*-*_ Fifteen minutes later, Mikal shut and locked the Templar's door behind him before turning to face the street. His body was wrapped in...
  5. Nijoloblob

    Sniper/Spotter - [Observer x Nijoloblob]

    Markus was standing a little while away from the main commotion of flashing lights and quiet chatter of police radios. Leaning up against the wall of a nice quiet alleyway he had found, he was about to take a quick gulp from his flask just when a familiar silver Stingray pulled up. He quickly...
  6. Nijoloblob

    Senice City

    Mikal slipped on the blood and fell heavily to the floor again. He knew that if he glanced behind him, he would see the shredded carcasses of the other members of his Order - of which he was now the last - covered in the same claw marks that now covered him. He retched a little, pulling himself...
  7. Nijoloblob

    Sniper/Spotter - [Observer x Nijoloblob]

    Markus, on the other hand, had been there since the start. His evening jog had taken him past the jewel of the city, Windside Tower. Windside stretched up past the other buildings that had grown with the city, funded by bigwigs of all types. Even the second closest skyscraper, Murdon Banking...
  8. Nijoloblob

    Senice City

    Name: Mikal Pryestone Age: He doesn't keep track any more, but most people place him around his 20th year of life. Gender: Male Personality: Gentlemanly manners hide a violent, berserker streak which he struggles to suppress. It is a constant source of worry for him, and he relies upon...
  9. Nijoloblob

    Sniper/Spotter - [Observer x Nijoloblob]

    Name: Markus John Tinkermann Appearance: Grizzled even in his youth, Markus sports an imposing bearlike physique; barrel chested, thick arms and a meticulously shaved head. Thick eyebrows rest above eyes which were once a dark, almost black brown but now age has lightened considerably. Teeth...
  10. Nijoloblob

    Fandom Avengers Idea

    Boop. Don't know how to delete posts. Ignore me :)
  11. Nijoloblob

    The 98th Annual Hunger Games: Semi-Lit [Inactive]

    Pias closed his eyes and forced himself to control the heavy breaths pumping in and out of his lungs. The heavy tha-thump-tha-thump beat slowed, gradually returning to a more sedate pattern. A shadowy shape bounded from one tree to another in the distance, and Pias watched it carefully before...
  12. Nijoloblob

    Nanotechnology Warfare (interest check)

    Hey all. This is an interest check based loosely (but NOT A FANDOM) on the BZRK book. It revolves around these small teams of people that use Nanobots to conduct a sort of inconspicuous war against each other, amongst the cities and people who have little to no clue of the battles that rage on...
  13. Nijoloblob

    FAYZ RP (Based off the Gone book series by Michael Grant)

    Definitly interested, count me in.
  14. Nijoloblob

    Life of the Elements

    Name: Jakeb Markus Carson Picture: (I prefer to describe my character by text, unless you wish to insist on a pic) Description: On-base, Jakeb wears a plain standard-issue grey shirt with plain black-and-grey combat trousers. The clothing does nothing to hide his scarred face which has been...
  15. Nijoloblob

    ESO: Elder Scrolls Online (Based off of Sword Art Online)

    Great, I'll remember to post something tomorrow :D Where do you want me to put my CS?
  16. Nijoloblob

    ESO: Elder Scrolls Online (Based off of Sword Art Online)

    Hmmm well in that case would I be able to get by in this rp with just the info you've given me here? I'll be happy to edit anything as we go along if theres some rule I didnt know about :)
  17. Nijoloblob

    ESO: Elder Scrolls Online (Based off of Sword Art Online)

    Preeeeetty much I only know what you've mentioned here.
  18. Nijoloblob

    ESO: Elder Scrolls Online (Based off of Sword Art Online)

    Just wanted to jump in here, let you know there's another Elder Scrolls lover here. Sorry, I have no way of watching Sword Art Online though :(
  19. Nijoloblob

    The 98th Annual Hunger Games: Semi-Lit [Inactive]

    Pias scrambled up on top of the branch, frantically pulling the rest of the line up after him before breathing a sigh of relief. He squatted atop his perch and grasped an offshoot to steady himself before peering down at the Career pair below him. "I'll slit your throat, yet" came the rough...
  20. Nijoloblob

    The 98th Annual Hunger Games: Semi-Lit [Inactive]

    Pias crouched, peering over the top of a fallen log which a swath of moss had now claimed. The girl still swung there, moaning pitifully but he ignored her. His own life was at stake, and that took priority. He pondered rescuing her later though, the girl had mentioned something about survival...