Search results for query: *

  1. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    ...fonts used: headers & subheaders subtitles/body text script accents to replace fonts, replace them here then in the corresponding variables under * fonts used * check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----tabs---- ----tab one (basics)----...
  2. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    code by nine lives ♡ fonts used: name + detail titles body text role to replace fonts, replace them here then in the corresponding variables under * fonts used * check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----background---- ----main content----...
  3. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    -ˏˋ code by low fidelity ˊˎ- -- this is the png for the paper tear! leave this alone (unless you wanna use your own). -- the gif/image for your character goes here! there's a saturation filter to make the colors pop, but if you don't want it, set it to 100%. -- !!! KEEP ALL THIS EMPTY...
  4. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 inspired by ditto [] far fa-signal fas fa-wifi fas fa-battery-half Sunday, 11 March 12:27 Reminders jeong...
  5. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    ...potenti. Nullam malesuada quam sed finibus tincidunt. Aenean placerat placerat sem, nec cursus massa tincidunt sed. Morbi viverra felis ut pulvinar iaculis. Fusce interdum ex tortor, in molestie lorem tincidunt ac. /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */ © weldherwings.
  6. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    ...Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque bibendum risus at neque lacinia, sed lobortis eros tempus. Nullam elementum diam non nisl commodo, et faucibus dolor elementum. /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */ © weldherwings.
  7. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    ...fa-solid fa-period . moodmood here locationlocation here outfitoutfit here tagtag here scroll fa-solid fa-arrow-down fa-bounce /* ------ start of text here ------ */ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent non tellus ut tellus consequat...
  8. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    ...efficitur scelerisque, quam ligula luctus ex, ac bibendum metus libero id sem. Proin id nunc euismod, dignissim felis id, auctor nunc. Sed scelerisque et urna sit amet ultrices. Aenean ullamcorper odio ut sagittis euismod. /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */ ©...
  9. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    ...posuere scelerisque ac eget nulla. Vivamus vehicula eros nec eros fermentum facilisis. Cras quis orci venenatis, molestie risus eu, lacinia nisi. Morbi molestie leo ex, id accumsan quam varius eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */ © weldherwings.
  10. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    ...magna. Suspendisse potenti. Integer vitae quam eget tortor molestie maximus. Nunc vitae ligula sapien. In rhoncus tellus orci, quis sodales nisi commodo vitae. Ut sagittis tellus magna, quis viverra velit laoreet vel. /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */ © weldherwings.
  11. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    attempt 2819 to make me and rev bbcoders of the month inspired by /* ------ left side ------ */ name Nam Eun-Sang nickname Eunnie age 31 date of birth 12th September place of birth Jeju Island, SK genderMale. RoleThe...
  12. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    -ˏˋ code by birth of venus ˊˎ- /* QUOTE & BODY TEXT BELOW */ YEAH MY BOYFRIEND'S PRETTY COOL, BUT HE'S NOT AS COOL AS ME. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Nunc non blandit massa enim nec dui nunc...
  13. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    //the basics of seonggi scrollname -bok seonggi age -twenty-seven gender -cis male sexuality -bisexual job -??? face claim-park bo gum role -the academic height -6'0 hair-dark brown eye -dark color Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id...
  14. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    coded by uxie! title, buttons headers body to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----role name---- ----* * * role here---- role. ----header----...
  15. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    ...used: title cursive/script accent header subheader/accent body to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----header---- ----* * * name here---- name. ----top----...
  16. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    ...script accent special script accent header subheader/accent body to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----background image---- ----header---- ----* * *...
  17. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    coded by uxie! fonts used: header subheader/body text to replace fonts, add/replace them here, and then in the variables below under *fonts; check uxie's tech support in nine lives for more details ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) ----left---- ----details page---- ----sidebar...
  18. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    coded and designed by sugarnaut. please do not steal and claim as your own. fa-brands fa-appleSugarnautMessagesFileEditViewConversationsWindowHelp x x first_last.pngx x x music_player.exeBoys Charli XCXfa-solid fa-volume-high fa-solid fa-ellipsisfa-solid fa-backwardfa-solid fa-play fa-solid...
  19. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    Yeseva OneParisienneNobile[/size] Standing in your cardigan Kissin' in my car again firstNicknamefa-solid fa-heartLast fa-solid fa-heart Stopped at a streetlight You know I miss you... moodboard playlist statusLawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good Lawful Neutral Chaotic Neutral Lawful...
  20. neverlandeds

    Multiple Settings character sheet tests (bc i'm still figuring out bbcode!)

    -------------------the five variable tags (the ones starting with "--" are meant to be filled in with your own colours + links; i'd suggest keeping the "text-bg-colour" light------------------- -------------------THE QUOTE GOES HERE------------------- painted in your colours...