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  1. Jannah

    Viewpoint How would you feel if you realized your partner's reply was generated by an AI?

    I just ghosted someone immediately because they admitted to using AI in previous RP's. Was it the right thing to do? I don't know, but I feel I dodged a bullet by doing so.
  2. Jannah

    Music VGM (Video Game Music)

    Oh same.
  3. Jannah

    Music VGM (Video Game Music)

    It really is.
  4. Jannah

    Music VGM (Video Game Music)

    Ezio's Family from AC II is a certified classic. I also listen to the FF X soundtrack a lot.
  5. Jannah

    Realistic or Modern L E G I O N »» superheroes

    I have to leave for work in a few minutes, but I'm commenting here so I can find the thread to read through later. I'm definitely intrigued. I just don't have time to read it all now, haha.
  6. Jannah

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    The 7 remake actually is decent, but I don't like how they changed some major elements of the story.
  7. Jannah

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    I want a remake of 10. It's my favourite one. I know a remake of 9 has already been confirmed and I am so excited!
  8. Jannah

    Other Unpopular Opinions

    I like it, but I like 9 and 10 more.
  9. Jannah

    Experiences What influenced your writing style?

    Not a specific style per se, but a specific genre. Initially it was my love of fantasy like Harry Potter that got me interested in writing. However, these days a lot of the themes in my writing have deviated far from my fantasy origins.
  10. Jannah

    Viewpoint How would you feel if you realized your partner's reply was generated by an AI?

    If I noticed it and was able to confirm for certain that it's AI then I'd drop the RP immediately. If you can't be bothered to even write up proper replies then there's no point bothering with you as a partner. It shows laziness and lack of creativity to use AI rather than your own imagination.
  11. Jannah

    Experiences When the muse strikes at the wrong time

    Usually when I'm lying in bed trying to go to sleep. It's not like I can get up and start writing, especially if I have work the following day.
  12. Jannah

    Realistic or Modern Silence Falls (A 1920s Group RP Interest Check) (Always open!)

    I'm an information professional so think librarian, archivist, etc. Just imagine how this makes me feel when I'm in a profession that is literally all about preserving information and making it accessible to people 😭
  13. Jannah

    Realistic or Modern Silence Falls (A 1920s Group RP Interest Check) (Always open!)

    I'm sad about how so many of them are lost. The studio fires :(
  14. Jannah

    Experiences When RPs fall off, what happens to your OC?

    Depends how far along the story is. If it dies very early on then I might recycle the character if I like them enough.
  15. Jannah

    Character Theory [SURVEY] Religion in RP?

    Personally I'm religious and have a deep interest in theology so this should be interesting. What RP setting do you most frequently prefer? Usually historical, but I gave dabbled in most genres. I have pretty diverse tastes. How old do your characters tend to be? (If your character's age...
  16. Jannah

    Realistic or Modern Silence Falls (1920s Hollywood RP) OOC Page

    I don't have any particular character ideas yet. Waiting to see if anything inspires me.
  17. Jannah

    Fandom Uncharted | Character Sheets

    I can't code so I'm just using plain text here. Expedition character - full name: Yei Sugi - age: 23 - gender/gender identity: Cis female - occupation: Athlete/Pro-bender - residence (where they live currently): Republic City - Bending type: Fire - Level of Bending Mastery: Like most...
  18. Jannah

    Fandom uncharted | an atla/lok roleplay

    Might be a good time to revive my firebender character.
  19. Jannah

    Viewpoint What Are Pairings You Don't Care For In RP

    I especially hate how there's so many of them in YA fiction too. Like, I'm a huge Hunger Games fan, but the series had so much going for it already that it really did not need the love triangle.
  20. Jannah

    Looking for Nerdy gaming friends! Longterm~

    What are your typical gaming hours? I ask because during the week I typically only game late at night due to my work hours. Weekends I'm available pretty much whenever.