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  1. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    The Outbreak Following the end of the war, disease was rampant, with Evelyn and the Medical Guild struggling to keep up with the flow of wounded soldiers and civilians injured in the war, with many industries being affected by the Underground Factories being cut off from the surface such as...
  2. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: The Last City- Persons Of Interest (Characters)

    Name: Zyn Alias: Flytrap, Slick, Nicknames: Thief, Pick-Pocket Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance Overview: Zyn is short, even for a teen, which has some advantages (Hiding, Sneaking) but not so good when fighting. Hair Color: Muddy Brown Hair Eye Color: Blue Scars/Tattoos...
  3. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: The Last City- Persons Of Interest (Characters)

    Name: Eddie Gears Alias: Abyss Nicknames: None Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality: Pansexual Appearance Overview: Athletic build with average height Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Neon Green (Glows sometimes) Scars/Tattoos: One along left eye Cybernetics: Cybernetic Eye (Sometimes replaced with eyepatch...
  4. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    The War Fifty Years after the initial lockdown of the city walls and the cease of contact with the Raider Defense Command, tensions where high with the Underground becoming more and more hostile to the laws made to be beneficial to the original inhabitants, with the surface dwellers arguing that...
  5. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    ever wonder why the majority of heroes come from the surface, where they are more likely to join the Shu Corporations Hero Sponsorships? Or why there are a number of tests performed at birth by a shell company owned by Shu?
  6. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    Northern Centers Liberty Park is over grown but the southern wall to the recreation building has a series of human burn marks, the number is still being counted but I noticed no children sized marks. Inside the rec center among the ashes are melted BACA uniforms and equipment.
  7. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    August 21st, 12:00- Northern Docks Warehouse 3. Camera was damaged in the tragic fire- no one goes to the northern part of the city and fire services weren’t called. The recently deceased “Hero” Spark disappeared from an autograph signing, Security Agents from the Enhanced Special Ops where seen...
  8. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    The Shu Corporation is sure to always take various Background, Psychological, and Ability Tests to ensure that those representing them are fit for the duty of using their powers for the public. This cannot be said for Violent and Illegal Vigilantes such as Abyss.
  9. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    What is the Shu Corporations posistion on the rumors of corrupt and Narcissistic “Heroes” being represented in their hero sponsorships?
  10. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    The Origin and any other information about Enhanced Abilities and Persons are Unkown, with abilities manifesting during a traumatic event (Snapping) or being present at birth or a young age. Representatives of The Shu Corporation continue to research the Origin, Weakness, Cure, and other aspects...
  11. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: The Last City- Persons Of Interest (Characters)

    Name: (Full) Alias: (Hero Name, Code Name, False Identity’s, Etc.) Nicknames: Pronouns: Sexuality: Appearance Overview: Hair Color: Eye Color: Scars/Tattoos: Cybernetics: Ability Name: Ability Description: Weakness: Personality Overview: General Temperament Vice’s: Virtues: Fears: Mental...
  12. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    We thank you for your questions about this unfortunate event, but all records of the organization BACA have been sealed following their dissolving and transfer to the current center for biological and Enhanced Threats (INFERNO). Survivors and Veterans of the Event have not been able to comment...
  13. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    What exactly was the Sickness that Ravaged our city , and why did the Biological and Chemical Weapons Agency (BACA) order the complete execution of any infected in only the northern section of the city?
  14. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    If you have questions, ask here, but questions need to have a text size of 12 and the lightest shade of blue the site uses- responses will come asap.
  15. Gears

    Futuristic Genesis: A Record of History and Current Events (Lore)

    The history of our fine city is well known, along with the cautionary tale of how the old world’s disorder failed. Yet another war began in the 21st Century, with humans innovating in new ways on destroying their fellow man, but the science went too far. Automatons rose up on their own masters...
  16. Gears

    Futuristic Defenders of Earth - OOC

    My notifications for this thread are broken
  17. Gears

    Futuristic Defenders of Earth - OOC

    Name: Eddie Gears Alias: Void Age: 17 Pronouns: He/Him Quirk: Portal Manipulation and Manifestation Weakness: Water Appearance Notable Features: Neon Green Eyes (Occasionally glow), Green Hair Scars: Cut on Left Cheek Outfit: Uniform with Neon Green Rain Jacket, Backpack (For gadgets), and...
  18. Gears

    Futuristic Defenders of Earth - OOC

    It’s just part of the regeneration ability- like Gilgamesh from Indestructible but not actually invulnerable
  19. Gears

    Futuristic Defenders of Earth - OOC

    As in he doesn’t age.
  20. Gears

    Futuristic Defenders of Earth - OOC

    You fine with the character being immortal but kill able?