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  1. Purize

    Futuristic The City Between Worlds // Characters

    Name: Zia Choi Alias(es): Dragonfly, Employee A631 Age: 27 Gender: Female Race: Alidari from the planet Larxian Physical Description: Grayish-blue skin, black eyes with golden irises, four arms, short purple hair, and long pointed ears. Personality: Calm and focused in the workplace, free...
  2. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea chuckled nervously at his quip. She wasn't so sure why she was summoning shadows either. Maybe it wasn't common... no- it definitely wasn't. What was more disturbing was that it looked like her. It was hardly some mistake or passable as not her own doing when it had her face— contorted into...
  3. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea stirred reluctantly at Sylas's touch, cozy and warmly snuggled into her bedroll. The strong smell of something nutty and earthy filled the cool air and the crackle of the fire cast a soft orange glow through the open flaps of the tent as Sylas's head poked through it. "Mmmm..." Bea grumbled...
  4. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea rolled her eyes at Sylas as he poked fun at the elf. She could see his hesitation, but underneath that was a steady-burning determination. Bea had never fought or even seen a chimera before, but if Sylas seemed confident, then they could handle it. They were going to do it with just the two...
  5. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea ate the bowl of stew she was given and listened to Kael talk about how he got here. It was a noble effort to go and look for his brother... but he was lucky that the bandits were taking hostages. Glancing over at Gladys and Peter though, she reminded herself that they too were lucky to be...
  6. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea gave him a half smile. Part of her felt warm from his words, but another part ran coldly through her veins. "I don't know what I expected with fighting people... it was... harder," her voice trailed off thoughtfully. She'd almost killed a man today. Well, the echo-like mirage of herself...
  7. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea and Kael sat by the cold middle of the camp as the sun sank lower and lower. The fairy grew worried about her partner but felt in his gut that he needed this time to himself alone. It had been a hard day, even with their success. While they waited for the eventual firewood, Gladys cooed and...
  8. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Everyone set about their various tasks for setting up camp for the night. Sylas miraculously made water out of thin air, which the small fairy gawked at from a distance. Was there nothing that one couldn't accomplish with magic? She thought in awe. After a moment though, Sylas got up abruptly...
  9. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea suppressed a chuckle at Sylas's obvious duress over the increasingly growing group. From her pack, Bea pulled a soft blue blanket and handed it to Gladys. "We found this with your old cart. It's what tipped us off that you were the ones that had been robbed," Bea smiled sadly, but upon...
  10. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea turned towards Sylas, "He's coming with us?" She asked quizzically, sizing up the elf once more. It was true, he was gifted with magic, but... "Can you fight?" Bea wondered aloud as she looked at Kael. "Earlier when we were fighting, you looked like you tried to hit the mage but he evaded...
  11. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Upon the tiny babe giggling and gurgling happily once more, Bea burst into a smile of glee and relief. She felt the tension in her shoulders lift and her eyes teared up a bit. She wiped them away quickly but turned again to give a big hug to Gladys and Peter. Bea knew that Kael possessed magical...
  12. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    After being dismissed, Bea wound her way back out of the tent and threw the camp littered with bodies. Of the ones that she could see, they were all still breathing, which relieved her. Bea would fight her hardest for anyone who needed it but she felt uncertain and fearful at the idea of taking...
  13. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea nodded to Sylas as he inquires about the halfling family. "They're safe. I know where they are. Let's get these two and the others by the road and then I'll go find them." Bea looked out of the open flaps of the tent at the crates and loot stashed around. There were plenty of good carts...
  14. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea willingly moved as Sylas gave her shoulder a squeeze and oriented her backward a few steps. To her, it seemed to be more of a gesture of protection and reassurance than simply getting her out of the way. She reassumed a stance near the bandit mage, keeping an eye on him. She was surprised...
  15. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    "We're not helping the people who really need help?" Bea snapped. She stepped up past Sylas and slammed a foot into the side of the table that Roland was propping himself up on, making him nearly lose his balance again. He looked startled very briefly, then smug as the small fairy leaned in...
  16. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea's echo-like form pushed the archer back until he seemed like he was on the verge of fleeing. The sight of green in her peripheral alerted her to Sylas's presence as he approached the mage, who quickly surrendered seeing that most of the camp was under control now. Bea smiled, relieved, at...
  17. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea was still stunned by the sudden appearance of her echo's form. Her shock was quickly interrupted though, as an arrow shot forth and hit it squarely in the back. It dissipated and behind where it once stood, Bea now saw the archer and the mage looking her way, focusing on their next target...
  18. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    As the bandit leader became alight with a purple glow, Bea watched as he called out that he and his men were under attack. All at once, some of the bandits began to look around in confusion, many immediately spotting Bea and her new elven companion. "Faerie fire! Brilliant idea," The elf...
  19. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    Bea continued flying, making as little sound as possible and gliding to even keep the subtle hum of her wings to a minimum. As she neared the back side of the camp she heard laughter and through cracks in the tall wall, she saw many of the bandits leaving their posts and meandering to the front...
  20. Purize

    Fantasy On Thunders Wings

    It wouldn't be easy, that much Bea knew, but she was determined. She nodded her head to Sylas, her face still serious and stoic facing the danger ahead. "Okay. I'll give a signal when Peter and Gladys are out. Try to hold off fighting the bandits as long as possible, if you can, and I'll come to...