Search results for query: *

  1. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    As she walked up to the altar, Cindy thought to herself. Did she even have anything she'd consider precious on her? That was when it hit her. She did have something! She took out a small turkey toy from her inventory. It was a toy her parents had bought for her on one of her birthdays, a long...
  2. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    Upon hearing the instructions from the Crow, Cindy pondered to herself. What exactly was the crimson eye? Did he mean the setting sun? That could be the cause for the shadows... She then shrugged to herself. Whatever! Guess they'll just go with the flow. Thomas's time magic could be of great...
  3. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    Looking at the zombified lady before them, Cindy couldn't help but to feel creeped out. Was this zombie woman going to eat them?! She did mention devouring their souls too... In that case, the best thing to do was to probably appease her! "You can rest assured. We certainly didn't intrude upon...
  4. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    Seeing the opportunity created by Axel, Cindy would take this moment to attack her shadow. She'd first use Shadow Snare to stop the shadow's movements, before Shadow burst to tear it apart. Shadow Burst - blight F (darkness), accurate F, range F, reach F, continuing F, homing F, incurable F...
  5. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    As the tendrils of darkness crept towards her, Cindy readied her weapon. If these things were mere copies of themselves, surely she could match their strength with her own! Swinging her polearm, she sent out a wave of darkness to match the incoming attack. Shadow Wave - blight F (darkness)...
  6. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    Cindy Mentions: Darkbloom gmimperfecti saxon “Huh.” Before she knew it, the puzzle had been solved already. Who’d knew that the key to solving the puzzle was as simple as letting out her own aura? She didn’t really expect that to be sufficient, but oh wells! She wasn’t gonna complain when they...
  7. Scarletti

    Graded [Isekai Hell] Corruption in This Village?!

    Levia Mentions: saxon NimbusWing Sona Radar Gaius Danius Griinia When Tachanka came up to Levia to give her introduction, Levia would gaze at her in amazement. “Wow, you won a fight against a ratmancer?! That sounds like a tough opponent, although I haven’t really came across one myself. You...
  8. Scarletti

    Graded [Nan Gau Fort] Virtus Chronica – Act I: Gula ⚝一番でっかいの豚

    Ralph Mentions: Faynorae @Sona Radar Ralph wouldn’t have been able to hear, but he could still see. He watched helplessly as the flaming arrows soared through the sky, pelting the giant pig. His eyes widened as he realized that some of his allies would have been caught in the barrage of...
  9. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    Cindy Mentions: Darkbloom gmimperfecti @saxon Following the guidance of the Crow, Cindy managed to lose the hellflies thankfully, as well as proceed to the next challenge before her. She did wonder about the Crow, however. Why was he here, helping them out? Was he even allowed to give them...
  10. Scarletti

    Graded [Isekai Hell] Corruption in This Village?!

    Levia Mentions: saxon NimbusWing Sona Radar Gaius Danius Griinia Upon hearing Diane mention about how they were not a group of adventurers, Levia rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. “Ahhh is that so, my bad then! I guess you’re right, a klutz like yourself would have a tough time going on...
  11. Scarletti

    Community [Isekai Hell] February 2024 Event

    Type of Letter: Concern Sender: Scarletti Recipient: Saxon @saxon Dear beloved War Mod Saxy of Isekai Hell, This here is a poem dedicated to you, for that you seem to have a strange obsession with the word 'no'. Hopefully, it will give you courage and inspire you to say 'yes' one day.
  12. Scarletti

    Community [Isekai Hell] February 2024 Event

    Type of Letter: Admiration Sender: Ralph Recipient: Komori @saxon Dear Komori, Meeting you and the other adventurers was a great learning experience for me, as well as an eye opener. Frankly, I’m still not used to taking the life of another, be it a monster or a human, but I am working on...
  13. Scarletti

    Community [Isekai Hell] February 2024 Event

    Type of Letter: Friendship Sender: Levia Frost Recipient: Sister Joanne @RavenSong Dear Sister Joanne, Hey there, how have you been doing? The last time we met, it sure was one hell of a stinky adventure! It took days before the stench finally left my nose! Oh right, if I recall correctly you...
  14. Scarletti

    Graded [Isekai Hell] Corruption in This Village?!

    Levia Mentions: @saxon @NimbusWing @Sona Radar @Gaius Danius Griinia Sitting at the corner of the tavern was Levia, who was nodding off after having a couple of drinks too many. Originally, she was planning to eavesdrop on some of the conversations in the tavern to learn more about the place...
  15. Scarletti

    Graded [Nan Gau Fort] Virtus Chronica – Act I: Gula ⚝一番でっかいの豚

    Ralph Mentions: Faynorae Ralph fell backwards onto his butt, a mere second away from getting snapped up by the giant monstrosity, before the flame from the beast lady whizzed past his head and into the mouth of the monster, causing it to retreat a little. He clutched at his chest, panting...
  16. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    Cindy Mentions: Darkbloom gmimperfecti “Hey, what’s up you guys?” Cindy said as she noticed the trio of tieflings stopping all of a sudden. She’d then notice the numerous mirrors all around her. What kind of room was this even? She thought to herself. Within the mirror was herself, but...
  17. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    Cindy Mentions: Darkbloom gmimperfecti Seeing Cassius’s dark energy react with the stones, the boy grew excited at the findings. “That’s nice and all, but what does that do to these stones exactly?” She mused to herself. Cindy then raised an eyebrow when she noticed Thomas crying. What got...
  18. Scarletti

    Graded [Azuran City] Seekers of Lore and Legends: The Monsters for Tuition program

    Cindy Mentions: Darkbloom Sebastian Cokak VIII gmimperfecti As Thomas attempted to use his time magic to decipher the languages, Cindy decided to brainstorm a little on her own. She couldn’t just leave it all to poor Thomas and just stand around waiting for answers! “Hmmm… Earlier, the stones...
  19. Scarletti

    Graded [Nan Gau Fort] Virtus Chronica – Act I: Gula ⚝一番でっかいの豚

    Ralph Mentions: Faynorae @Sona Radar Upon seeing his axe slice a piece of leg off the beast’s knees, Ralph gagged. Even though he had charged in so courageously earlier, he still couldn’t get used to slashing monsters up. "Damn it..." He muttered under his breath. As the beast started...
  20. Scarletti

    Graded [Nan Gau Fort] Virtus Chronica – Act I: Gula ⚝一番でっかいの豚

    Ralph Mentions: Faynorae As his hearing started to return, Ralph would catch Griffin’s advice to target the right head first. Did he have some sort of detection ability? Ralph wondered to himself. Even then, it would prove difficult for him to do anything to the heads when he was flightless...