Search results for query: *

  1. Trektek

    Futuristic Sunset Horizon

    Jax Update: Action 1: Take Inventory. Repurpose parts of the Pod and use the rest for the shelter Much of the pod was easily dismantled to be repurposed into supplies that could be used to help survive their current situation. As for the Escape Pod, itself. The rest of it was repurposed into a...
  2. Trektek

    Futuristic Sunset Horizon

    Basil Update: Action 1: Hunt for anything Edible or drinkable- Test on others The passengers search for things to eat and drink while being protected by the Entourage. One of the Entourage manages to easily fight back hard against wolf like creatures that seemed to be made up of plants(?) They...
  3. Trektek

    Futuristic Sunset Horizon

    Julia Update: Action 1: Scout the Surroundings: Julia, Holly and The Golden Mound go scouting over the course of a week and manage to locate a duo of haggard survivors that said once they landed, most of their group was killed by some sort of Large Sandworm and hyena looking creatures...
  4. Trektek

    Futuristic Sunset Horizon

    Cordova Update: Action 1- Fishing Cortova and Denis have an excellent time fishing and manage to collect a large amount of fish during the week. There seem to be all kinds. Some with strange snapping jaws and some that are rainbow colored, or others that look like they shoot spikes in the...
  5. Trektek

    Futuristic Sunset Horizon

    Friedrich Donitz Update: Action 1- Friedrich begins his search for additional survivors inside the canopy. Unfortunately, his search was fruitless. There didn’t seem to be any additional survivors in their area. Or at least none in the large radius that he was checking for the current week...
  6. Trektek

    Futuristic Sunset Horizon

    Horatio Update: One Big Happy Family- It takes the entire week, but Horatio, using a mixture of his Psionic skills and his natural disposition towards animals, he manages to get the animals to protect each other. In fact, some of the larger one will now act to protect Horatio as well. Choose...
  7. Trektek

    Nation Building Eternal Conquest - Characters

    Character Name: Zayin Image: Race: Golem Bio: Zayin was built for one thing and one thing Only, Conquering. She demands obedience of those she has conquered and adds their own gifts to her forces. If you manage to survive one of her assaults, it shows how worthy you are to become a part of...
  8. Trektek

    Fantasy Eternal Conquest

  9. Trektek

    Futuristic Sunset Horizon

    Sunset Horizon Welcome, and thank you for choosing Ysrendele Cruise Line for all of your relaxation and vacation needs. Our top of the line space cruisers are as if you are in a hotel floating in space, taking you from one pleasing vista to another. Our well trained crew will be able to respond...
  10. Trektek

    Fantasy Kingdom Death: King of Monsters (IC)

    Kingdom Death: King of Monster Clan Vivaldi Turn 2 The Double Towers was the perfect place to settle to become not just their home, but a place for a cultural boom to these lands. Already, Vivaldi minor crafts have begun to circulate among the tribes and demand for Vivaldi weapons, armor...
  11. Trektek

    Fantasy Kingdom Death: King of Monsters (IC)

    Kingdom Death: King of Monster Clang Clang Clang Sizzle “Ah, another successful crafting, my dear.” Zaas turned and gave a toothy grin to his daughter Taas. She was the Light of his life, the HOPE of the tribe. Clan Vivaldi would be a smaller place without her in it. BUt he knew that one...
  12. Trektek

    Multiple Settings BeckonCall's Nation Builder ideas and reboots interest check!

    Oooh. So I could play a descendant of my blacksmith warriors? :-D
  13. Trektek

    Multiple Settings BeckonCall's Nation Builder ideas and reboots interest check!

    I believe they were asking about for Kingdom Death of its separated into: World of Darkness, Kingdom of Monsters, Nations of Blackness
  14. Trektek

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    THE GLIMMERHILL GIANTS Free Actions: Gain a Smart Hero from the Blue Chalice! Gront The Wise Smart Hero Martial 2/Magic 4 Is That How It Went?- Reroll a failed roll, once per scene I Forsee a Better Option- Roll a d1000. On a high roll, gain a HUGE advantage for that scene Attempt to Open...
  15. Trektek

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    Lord Gloom Action 1: [REDACTED] ((To Be Resolved on Discord)) Action 2: Rob people ((To Be Resolved on Discord))
  16. Trektek

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    The Golden Order 1. Convert 37x Human Population to Copper Battalion. 2a. Send Priestess Champion Ilia, Immortal Hero Delilah, 25x Exorcists, 5x Holy Clerics of Tikal, 10x Priestesses to fight alongside The Penitents under Orpheus’ command. ((To be processed on Discord)) 2b. Tikal and Ratal...
  17. Trektek

    Fantasy BoN: Stone Age

    The Penitent Action 1: Prepare the Crusade Population converted into military forces. ((IF TOO MANY FORCES ARE LOST IN BATTLE, THIS WILL HAVE MAJOR RAMIFICATIONS FOR YOIR FACTION)) Fanatics: 37 Giant Bowmen: 7 Werewolves: 6 Action 2: Launch the Crusade ((Massive battle of The Ogun...
  18. Trektek

    Futuristic C&C Warlords Act 2

    ROYAL MECHANISED REGIMENT Mission 3C ((To be resolved on Discord)) ACTION 1 Research GDI Force Integration Tactics: Having integrated the Irish wing of GDI into the Royal Mechanised, develop tactics to allow efficient integration of the Irish units into the Royal Mechanised forces. Expert...