
The Fluffiest Floof
Tobi Naefaerne
Tobi Naefaerne
And i know that you know that i know
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
But you know, I always wanted to know how one could know that I know that he knows. Or did he know before I knew he knew, so he could know I would know he would know?
Tobi Naefaerne
Tobi Naefaerne
It's simply knowing that they know that you know that they know, for knowing more than they know you know they know is truly knowing.
The Fluffiest Floof
The Fluffiest Floof
So if I know they know I know they know, will they know I know they know I know they know?
Tobi Naefaerne
Tobi Naefaerne
Truly, you already know.
The Fluffiest Floof