
im here ...
Robin man
Robin man
Need a hug friend?
Las noches veteran
Las noches veteran
Ill hug u all
Saiyan Princess
Saiyan Princess
Thank you, Shinko! ;)
Las noches veteran
Saiyan Princess
Saiyan Princess
^.^ you broke the contract.
Las noches veteran
Saiyan Princess
Las noches veteran
Las noches veteran
Hmm ...wats nicer red wine....or irish whiskey
Saiyan Princess
Saiyan Princess
I'm not old enough to drink. I don't know.
Las noches veteran
Las noches veteran
Sweatdrops* r...right
Saiyan Princess
Saiyan Princess
Just don't get wasted.
Las noches veteran
Saiyan Princess
Saiyan Princess
Sure. If I had a dime for every time I heard that.
Las noches veteran
Las noches veteran
Hmmm *hugs a snake* no need to worry
Saiyan Princess
Saiyan Princess
*sighs* Please respond or our contract is over!
Las noches veteran
Las noches veteran
O u mean the pm lol im sorry