
Sen Pai
Sen Pai
CHIBA! How're you??
Chiba Masato
Chiba Masato
;-; very busy with school and life so much I can hardly get on. But getting excited, decisions for college will be coming in shortly
Sen Pai
Sen Pai
Ooo! That's exciting. :3
Chiba Masato
Chiba Masato
sorta yeah
Sen Pai
Sen Pai
Well, at least you pop by here and there! :D Are you going to roleplay again or are you just here to hang?
Chiba Masato
Chiba Masato
I've started one, but my detail just scares everyone else away...
Sen Pai
Sen Pai
Aww! Advertise the fuck out of it! Can I have a link? I'm busy but I can spread the word.
Chiba Masato
Chiba Masato
I usually only do 1 on 1 now adays, group rps are so fickle
Sen Pai
Sen Pai
Oo yeah, that makes sense. What's your 1x1 about?
Chiba Masato
Chiba Masato
A continuation of Samurai Champloo touching on Jin's story
Sen Pai
Sen Pai
Cool. No idea what that is but cool.