
ok sure what do you want to roleplay? :)
Honestly I'm kind of new to roleplay, but not writing, so I'm open to pretty much anything if you have interests
ah ok i'm also kind of new and i'm not that good to roleplay but i want to rp anyway uhh do u maybe want to do a like a school roelplay or something?
Yeah, that sounds cool. How about like a boarding school?
yeah sure
Ok. So how do we get started?
Do you want to write like multiple paragraphs or one-line kind of thing?
uh multiple paragraphs? sorry what do you want to do sorry i'm a little nervous xD
Ha, that's ok, I'm nervous, too. Paragraphs sounds good.
ok yeah its fine with me too :)
Ok. Do you want to add any kind of sci-fi/fantasy/supernatural/superhero/etc elements or just like present time reality kind of thing? I’m open to anything so feel free to share any of your favorites. I guess we could think of a basic setting like that together and then each come up with a character or two and then start it out on the boards.
Just a thought...it could be like a school for the gifted, so basically for smart/talented kids but maybe some have unusual “gifts” that others don’t know about...like could include superheroes/villains, magic, universe-crossing, time travel, anything really.
oh yeah that sounds intresting
Ok, I came up with a couple characters's background stories. Let me know what you think, and see if you can come up with one or two of your own, and then we could start there. Let me know if you have any ideas as far as like location or anything, too. I based the stuff on what I know from my high school in the US, but I don't really know much about boarding schools other than I think it's dormitory-living and dining halls and that, and I don't know if they do things differently in Sweden.

Don't feel pressured to write as much or to write perfectly or anything! I am not judgmental at all so you don't really need to be nervous. I'm still figuring this out, too, but I think it could be cool..
Two characters just from the top of my head, Demian and Mara.

Demian is a popular kid, star student, and all-around go-getter. His parents contact him from home frequently and pressure him to do everything to get into the best of the best colleges. He wants to please them, so he’s student council treasurer, varsity baseball and lacrosse, head of the film society and member of the board of the school’s literary magazine. But he’s doing it all to hide a dark secret, one that he is just discovering: he can shape-shift. But he can’t really control this ability yet; it comes out mostly when he is in a highly emotional state. He often gets angry and accidentally shifts into the forms of school rivals and bullies, and then before he can get control of his anger, he goes around the school looking like those rivals and getting them into deep trouble. Demian’s mean streak keeps growing and growing as he realizes his power.

Mara is a misfit, and she likes it that way. She became an orphan when her parents died in a lab accident when she was 13. She comes from humble upbringings, her parents having been scientists working in the area of fringe science, which, as you can imagine, did not garner them high accolades or much in the way of funding. When her parents died, her rich uncle, a man mostly unknown to her, became her guardian. He got sick of her mischievous, wild behavior and sent her away to boarding school. Mara is deeply disdainful of the other kids at the school, thinking them spoiled rich brats. She gets a thrill out of sneaking off campus and breaking the school’s rules as well as snubbing her classmates and acting like she is better than them. But she begins to learn that the lab accident that killed her parents has made her far more different from the other students than she had ever dreamt, and she is racing to understand her new abilities before anyone discovers them. (Still not sure what kind of abilities...)