
RoleofThe Game
RoleofThe Game
Hey, I'm okay.
How come you stopped being friends with me on discord and rping with me?
RoleofThe Game
RoleofThe Game
I'm sorry about that, I should've said something before doing that. I just didn't want to seem like an asshole.
Granted, ghosting you like that was a pretty asshole thing to do. It's just when we rp, you kind of rp as animals
and that's a little off putting for me. I'm not exactly a fan of that. I guess I should've explained instead of just ditching you.
But I don't want you think I left just because of you, I've also never been a fan of group rp servers and that's why I left
the other DC server too. I didn't even do much there after a while and it's like way to many stories and I'm kind of single
story kind of guy. But hey, I'm still of chatting online if you want. I don't want you to feel like you have to change the way
you rp, I wouldn't ask that everyone has their own way of rping and should've respected that instead of running off like a
coward. I am sorry. If you wanna tell me off, I don't blame you...
RoleofThe Game
RoleofThe Game
um, are you upset or not?
A little bit upset
RoleofThe Game
RoleofThe Game
sorry, I should've just been honest in the first place.
You could have just talked to me ok?
RoleofThe Game
RoleofThe Game
I know, I'm sorry. I guess I was worried on how you would react, I lost a close friend online
because I didn't explain myself well and they went off. I almost made the same mistake with you.
So, guess what I'm trying to say now is that are we okay? you don't hate me do you?