
Saccharine Cyanide
Saccharine Cyanide
Am I just bitter because I've spent the past few days trying to figure out CSS and HTML and I never want to see a chevron again in my life?

Saccharine Cyanide
Saccharine Cyanide
Sea Jay Sea Jay I'm going to come to your house and put dog hair in your shower drain.
Sea Jay
Sea Jay
I'm p sure my shower drain is full of dog and rabbit hair already, so by all means, go ahead.
Saccharine Cyanide
Saccharine Cyanide
...why? XD
why is your rabbit taking showers?
Sea Jay
Sea Jay
I dont have him anymore but...
Yo that rabbit had the kind of hair that floated and stuck, he never had to go into the shower.
Saccharine Cyanide
Saccharine Cyanide
Oh, like an angora rabbit? Or just a super fluffy one? I'm actually getting an Angora next month. >_<